I am not a student of any martial art anymore. I am new to this website. I have only taken a few classes in brazilian jiu-jitsu. But just because I am new to this website does not mean I am some fucking loser fat-ass peice of shit who thinks hippy crap like capoeira and aikido are martial arts… even if the words “martial art” even meant anything anymore, which I think they don’t. I am not writing this to try make myself look good, because I don’t care. I am writing this based on things I’ve learned, from experience, or from the experience of watching other people get their asses kicked. I began as a typical child in suburbia, I liked kung-fu movies, video games, and so forth. But I got my ass kicked really bad in 2nd grade because I thought I was a big kid…(like most children do), by some older bigger kids. My dad, being a missouri state wrestling champion years before decided that it was time for me to learn how to take care of myself, so by 3rd grade, I was a member of the jackson indians AAU/USA wrestling team. I sucked horribly the first year, winning only one match. My 4th grade year, I had won almost half of them. Being the kid I was, I still liked video games… and could dazzle my friends with tricks learned from these games like front flips and backflips by sixth grade. But that’s when I quit wrestling. The next few years I dabbled in stupid shit, as most kids do, and got into my fair share of dumbass brawls. Losing some and winning others, I attribute the wins to my early years of wrestling, but when you’re so young it’s really only a matter of desire and scrappiness. Then I got into drugs, and stayed in drugs until further notice. By ninth grade I decided to start wrestling for the high school team. Man, was that a big change or what from the petty AAU stuff. I got my ass handed to me for that season, winning no more than two matches. Then something clicked. If I was going to do good, I was going to MAKE myself good. I went to granby camp and mizzou wrestling camps that year. The wrestlers at mizzou saw me as good potential and helped me out after the regularly timed practices were over. I came back from camp changed, and proceeded to have practices regularly with other members of the Cape team in my basement. This was about the time I was introduced to MMA, but more on that later. My sophomore year I did much better than anyone had expected, winning 25 matches or so. I did not choose this as a place to quit, and continued to mizzou for camp and also continued my twice a week sessions. Junior year was a thrill, I had exceeded everyones expectations, including myself. And had reached 3/4 wins. (this is when i quit doing drugs) That summer I went back to mizzou camp, and to John Smith’s team camp at OSU where my team finished second. Senior year I missed the hundred wins club by six wins and missed state by one. Too bad for me. But this all has not been an “I’m cool statement”. The idea is that I chose to work hard and not simply give up,I learned from my losses and didn’t bullshit my way out of my own mistakes. I think this was a lesson to my team mates, just as much as it was to me. Also keep in consideration that I’m not claiming to be the toughest motherfucker in the world. (That comment goes out to kipdynamite) I’m very little schooled in bjj and I have next to no training in any striking. What angers me about this site is that alot of my partners in ‘sparring’ are TKD guys and Hopkido and aikido. And they all suck. From a guy with a few years wrestling experience, barely any knowledge on guard passes and holds, and almost no formal ability to strike, me and my little brother(who is still in high school, I might add) take these much more athletic TMA guys. I’m almost 20. My brother is almost 17. Yet we still have people who come on here asking “why isn’t aikido considered a martial art?” Becasue there is no rational, much less possible way to defend against a teddy bear attack with it. There, now you know. I didn’t know where to post this, maybe in the noobs section, considering on this forum I am one. Maybe in the sociosuicide section. Or maybe in the height challenged motherfuckers who hate blatant stupidity section. Should Phrost or Omega or anyone else come around and move or delete this thread with whatever superpowers they have so be it, thats cool with me. I just wanted to blow off some steam. Now I’m not completely sure if I was just ranting or being on a soapbox or what and I’m very sorry if it appears so. But I want to learn, and learning comes from getting ripped to shreds sometimes.
TL; DR!1!!
Yes, noobie town.
you need drugs.
I read the whole thing I don’t know why.
Ok Ok, so I’m just really drunk and angry, but whatever. I won’t come back if this is so dishonorable. And sfe… I don’t know what this means: TL; DR!1!!
sorry man. I don’t know guys, I’m just pissed. I’ll call all this off right now, if i can. Or, maybe I’m just not very good at writing my feelings… Anyway, I never much liked internet stuff. Whatever, I’m out, later.
come back when you sober up, junkie.
Tl; Dr = Too long; didn’t read.
Rant all you want, but right to the point is best.
Thank you for explaining that sfe. And as for manitobamantis, fuck you. I understand the point, but the junkie thing is way to far. Fuck you, and yet again, fuck you. What do you do when you can’t sleep? Masturbate, cuddle with stuffed animals? I get drunk and try to find interesting topics and occasionally make a fool of myself. I’m ok with that and sometimes proud of it. I do occasionally go off the deep end, but I’m not up at 2:10 posting on a martial arts website on a forum thread called “This is a random rant. That’s all!” calling the angry individual who wrote it a junkie. Because he admitted to doing drugs(marijuana, lsd, mushrooms…none of which cause chemical addiction). And has still probably accomplished more than you ever will. As to others who may read this: sorry guys, now I know where to post pissed off rants. Like I said, I will happily leave if I am not welcome. Just let me know.
What do you do when you can’t sleep? Masturbate, cuddle with stuffed animals?
your’e one of my brothers friends right? seriously tho, i didn’t think a "male porn star " would take himself that seriously
Best to bite your tongue on the web.
Good luck.
uh… who started said thread?:wcacjack
Next comment, explaining why MalePornstar is a good name. Becasue is is, and if you could be one, you’d have the name too. Come to think of it, I think about any redblooded American male would. And honestly, I don’t take myself that seriously. The only comment that made me defensive was the junkie thing, in no way did I even attempt to piss anyone off whatsoever until you brought that up. Why you called me a junkie, I don’t know. I could have taken it in stride. But it made me angry. Either way, I’ve decided I’m not going to come back. A place where people learn from each other would be great. And I’m not bitching about the entire site at all. There’s just too much weight being thrown around. Later.
ahem. come back when you’re smarter, drunkie.
I like this one. He’s got potential. We just need to get him a tab key for x-mas.
That guy doesn’t look that owned.
Punctuate that rant properly and I’ll read it.