This forum sucks, and so does its members.

tkd fakeblack belt, go fuck your self…

keep making fun of the real stuff, real forums like MAP, real MA’s like fsd, stick to your SHITTY AS FUCKEN WORTHLESS BJJ, while i learn a real martial art to add to my arsenal.

fuck off. :biblethum:biblethum:biblethum

I fart in your general direction.

-1 for saying “does” in a plural form, but +1 for not putting an apostrophe in “its”. Although I think that was unintentional, so -1 again.

To defend FSD there appears to be a rule that one must also be a very poor writer.

-1 for saying “does” in a plural form, but +1 for not putting an apostrophe in “its”. Although I think that was unintentional, so -1 again.



I long for the day a talent troll would come along and give me an actual challenge…

Probably something to do with them all being the same person.

If the founder of FSD deliberately recruits illiterates into his organization it means there will be fewer people to write nasty things about him and he’ll always be the smartest man in the room. It’s a strategy.

Did you just say you would suck my member? You little tease. :gaygay:

Weren’t you slowly coming around?Is it hard for you to make friends?In the words of your Illustrious leader of the Fang Shen Do movement used to say: “What is your problem”?“Do we have a problem here”?“What is your problem”?

I think you tried very hard. I like your costume. I give you three out of ten. Keep smiling.

Have fun pretending your an MMA fighter.

Q: Do you know why bea arthur doesn’t wear mini-skirts?

A: So that her testicles will not show.