There is no f@cking way I can take this seriously.

No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - Oh look we have our own room now.

My responce

Please feel free to highlight in your next post, all the instances of the lies I’ve apparently told about my military service.

Please provide quotes from posts as the means of backing up what you suggest.

Also, ask one of the admins [Samuel Browning is a good start] to verify my identification.

So I’ve started this thread in the correct forum for nexttime to conduct his own investigation into my military service, for him to verify via the staff here, my military identification and, within OPSEC and PERSEC restrictions, ask any questions he wishes about my status as an infantry soldier.

I suspect that he’ll make excuses, say he can’t be bothered and backpeddle.

Either way, the thread’s open for discussion.


Simio, why? You know where this will end up. He’ll come in and say you’re ugly and he can’t be bothered, you’ll retaliate and we’ll spawn anothe YMAS thread or TS thread…

Though, you never know, he may be serious.

But i doubt it.

I, for one, believe that you are a military man. You’re to stubborn to be anything else. :wink:

Next- I’d like to see any evidence you have (if there is indeed any) as to his falses and such though.

Sorry for my bad post in MABS. Feel free to move it Mod-Gods.

Why ? Simple. This is a serious forum, no more stupidity from either of us. He’s called me out so I think he needs an opportunity to respond.

Though, you never know, he may be serious.
I have no issues with that at all.


Did his calling you out also prompt the name change?

Edited: For some language issues…

No, I had changed that before, as well as my avatar however, as you can see I have reverted my avatar, I haven’t requested my correct nic back simply not to fuck the admins about.

I’d changed my avatar and nic as part of a piss-take however, given this is not a ‘comedy’ forum and I’m offering “nexttime” a genuine opportunity to investigate the claims he’s made about me, I’ve put things back to how they should be.

I’m suspecting nexttime hasn’t the bollocks to post in this forum let alone actually run an investigation to substantiate the claims he’s made. That’s up to him.


Pointing out the obvious … I thought the whole point of the military tag was to show that the person had proven credentials of serving in the military. I don’t see a good reason to do another verification.

I’m cross posting this because nexttime apparently hasn’t got any balls

Yeah this is something that needs taking seriously. I don’t accept you are male, proof of Y chromosome please.

Just in case you missed it, here it is again.

No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - Formal Reguest

Now, unless you’re contributing, I’ll thank you to STFU.

No BS Martial Arts - View Single Post - Look at all the dumb things I like to post!!!

Because the chickenshit hasn’t the balls to post in this thread.

…And my reply

I’m not in Iraq and, if you take your dumb fucking self to the military and weapons forum, you’ll see a number of threads indicating as such.

You’ll not find a SINGLE post from me that says I’m in Iraq, people know I’m GOING on Operations there very soon but I’m not there presently.

Assumption - you fucking tool - is the mother of all fuck ups.

Now, before you go all apeshit on us, yes I’ve served operationally for my country but, that has no bearing on anything here UNLESS you want to take those questions to the thread I started for you in the investigations forum. And if you do, we’ll have an entirely different dialogue however;

1… You’re too chickenshit to post in that forum because you have NOTHING to substantiate
2… You’re already looking like a giant sloppy cunt-fuck and you know by posting in that thread you’ll look even more fucking retarded.

You want to ask me questions… Fine. Do it in the investigations thread.

Shouldn’t they just boot that joker from the site for being a fucktard?

I’m a GIANT DOUCHE BAG so banning him for being a fucktard isn’t an option.

Now he’s saying he was “trolling” me and doesn’t care.

I think that’s Excuse # 4 on the list of backpeddling

Or he is using E-Aikido to you, getting you so worked up you end up trolling yourself. And in the end you conduct investigation, proving you to fraud.:copdance:

Dammit !!

Man, e-aikido. That’s some hardcore shit there.

And no fucking wrist grabbers either.

I don’t believe you’re English either.

Proof of stereotypical accent, or ban plz!


I know the Queen if that’s any help ?

The one that dances at that all-night review in Leeds?

Yeah… that’s the one.