There is no difference between mocking HIV and COVID19 patients

What if you just had to avoid homosexual activity?

Going to Church is out, then.

California is one of those places

What if the person I sexed up was a lady AIDS victim?

Or I was a lady?

Well, the data shows that in the early days of the aids pandemic… Follow the science.

Or you could have gotten infected blood products in a hospital setting

What does the data show?

They’ve been screening blood for a long time now. The days of catching AIDS from a blood transfusion are way behind us.

I don’t know, what does the data show?

A decrease in homosexuality will help end the AIDS epidemic. But it would be unreasonable to ask homosexuals to give up their freedom.

How HIV Impacts LGBTQ+ People - HRC

Or just wear a condom

You make a good point. People who casually supply used needles without regard to HIV status are objectively bad people.

They are either ignorant or selfish and have chosen behaviors that invite mockery onto themselves through their foolish life choices. That does not excuse poor manners but it can certainly be said they did bad things.

If someone walks into a crowded space with no vaccine and no mask they have done the equivalent of engaging unwilling strangers in risky behavior since masks do not protect the wearer. They protect everyone else.

If this is to be compared to HIV, they’ve chosen to risk infecting others out of their own selfishness, bad judgement and stupidity.

This is much less like engaging in risky behavior and more like secretly spraying their infected fluids own around a crowded room because you don’t think the virus is that bad. I’ve even heard th justification that the people who die were going to die soon anyway… As if that’s an excuse or even a reliably predictable heuristic.

Its like raping strangers with questionable HIG status, sans the violation inherent to sexual assault.

If COVID were spread sexually you’d have a point but it’s airborne and infects others who do not share intimate preventable modes of infection.

I think they should be mocked for casually harming and indirectly killing others as well as for stupidly making this pandemic last longer than necessary.

In general they should be mocked for their anti intellectualism and again if they deserve few considerations if they ran around actively telling others that HIV or COVID was not real with any kind of public platform

I reject the title hypothesis with the caveat that it is unkind and unwise in most regards to mock the recently deceased.

Sexually active gay men and intravenous users need to take the prophylaxis drugs. Better than any condom. Just get that shit in their system ASAP and you can save lives.

Yes, that is the most effective way to breed HIV superbugs, highly resistant to those regimens.

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call me old fashioned, but I just don’t want to get poop on my penis

Medicine against viruses and bacteria are always an arms race against nature. Otherwise It doesn’t work quite the same as with bacteria. Bacteria don’t reproduce in the same way, as you well know and thus do not breed stronger versions of themselves in the same way.

You do raise a very interesting mathematical point of discussion though. Game theory type stuff. I used to know the lexicon well but it’s been so long I’ve forgotten most of it along with all the calculus, organic chemistry and Spanish I used to know.

Viruses mutate by biomass. The more virus in circulation the more likely mutation is to be passed on. Deprive it if an environment and you’re less like to see a worse version of it. Bacteria have much more broad and general replication requirements.

If the idea is to limit the danger of the virus then it seems like we’re all better off limiting the number of people with the virus through any humane means necessary.

However, I see a certain utility in the thought experiment of gaming out whether or not it’s better to let many more get sick in this generation if it means somehow helping posterity.

I don’t think it would help future generations but it’s certainly worth it for infectious disease organizations to study but far above my understanding. I think , @jnp or @Phrost are better suited to tackling this than I am.

I’m just a redneck autodidact with a whole lot of missing parts in my thinky bits.

I’m more of a “save lives now” kind of guy anyway.

This is why we have no peace in this country.

Do you advocate more or less mockery?

Less. Mocking the dead won’t make you any friends. Do these same people laugh when the vaccinated die?

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