TheMightyMcClaw's European Adventures, Episodes 1-3

Just a quick post as a I sit here in a London cybercafe; I’m in Europe, it’s awesome. As I’ve only got fifteen minutes left on my computer, I’m afraid you’ll have to make do with copies of Elsewhere posted travel logs:

Wow sounds like fun! Keep the stories going so I can live vicariously through you!!

Updates about Ireland!

I made sure to ask the Croatian guy about Crocop. Apparently he’s well known there, but not as big of a deal as in Japan.
He was also quite convinced that Mirko would’ve beat Gonzaga had they fought in a ring instead of a cage.

Episode 5: Parisian Blues
Now that I’ve got Ireland out of the way, Paris.
We left Ireland at 6:30 in the morning, which, in retrospect, was a bit early.
We arrived in Paris tired, hungry, grumpy, and unable to speak French. All of these problems - aside from the linguistic one - disappeared the moment we popped into a sandwich/dessert shop and loaded up on delicious, cheap(er than Ireland) food.
Yeah, the food here is amazing. Hell, the fast food here is amazing. Crepes, pastries, sandwiches far better than I remember from the first time I came to Paris… all amazing.
We hit up the Catacombs, the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower. The catacombs were totally boss - I was overwhelmed by just how damn deep under the city they were.
The Louvre, likewise pretty spectacular. Wandering through ancient Greek and Roman statues let us to a discussion on changing standards of beauty throughout time.
Oh, and we had a bomb threat on the subway, closing down the line we wanted to take. Kind of sucked.
But what really sucked was losing my Eurail pass. You know, the thing I spent 600 USD on to take the trains around Europe with. Yeah.
Fortunately, I have it insured. Unfortunately, said insurance is not all that great, and will refund me either the cost of my rail pass or the cost of the tickets I buy in lieu of using it - whichever is lower. So either way, I’m probably going to be losing out a bit.
I had to go to the police station to file a police report, which they seemed less than inclined to let me do, but persistence won in the end.
I have no idea what became of it - stolen, lost, mixed in with garbage and thrown way, left in the US - no clue. I had it in my travel pouch, and when we went to reserve tickets at the Paris station yesterday, it was gone.
I was not a happy camper. But I’m moving on.