The Vodka Thread

So i picked up a bottle of Smirnoff on the way home. definately not regretting that decision.

This is the official vodka thread. post your favorite brand of vodka and method of drinking or mixing here. don’t you go ‘search fucktion noob’ ing me either cuz me and a staff member searched and couldn’t find anything worthy of being the vodka thread. well ok there were a few honorable mentions but i can’t be bothered to link them now. (too drunk)

Obligatory Soviet Russia joke in 5…




Potato vodka for the win (the original way, not the crappy wheat vodka way):

That shit^ is good and only $16 USD compared to other potato vodkas out there.

i didn’t see that at my liquor store. just the commercial shit like smirnoff, absolut, stolichnaya and the sort. some canadian and american crap. smirnoff was on sale.

Look for it, if you can’t find it, let me know via PM.

I prefer Absolut to Smirnoff, and this random Polish brand one of my ex-alkie ex-friends once picked up for us.

Finlandia is pretty good for mixed drinks, too.

It was a very, very sad the day I learnt that Scotch had a higher alcohol content than most vodkas. I like Vodka. I don’t like Scotch. :frowning:

alcohol content is overrated. what really matters is the size of the bottle.

Would you rather drink a bottle of wine or 15 shots? The shots would probably get you crunker. I’m still developing a ‘drink because I just like the taste rather than because I like being drunk’ thing, haven’t made any major break throughs.

I have to say, my favorite drink is either Smirnoff or Absolute …

Also, Vodka seems to help me deal with flu-like symptoms.

Anything seriously alcoholic will clear the nasal passages. Wouldn’t recommend medicating illness with alcohol, mind you.

Yeah the shots would get you drunker! You guys have tiny shots by US standards (I know, I’ve been to OZ twice).

This image is how Liquor/Wine/Beer stand up to each other (by alcohol content, for the average crappy beer esp.):

A bottle of wine has 4-6 glasses in it (depending on the person pouring) at most.

Vodka drinks…

Ok these are going to show me up seriously but meh.

Double Vodka and Orange juice.
The above with Archers in it.
Long Island Ice Tea

Well I either go with sky, parliament or this (my brother brought a couple from Russia, for special occasions only)

And we drink it chilled no ice.
While I was in the US we mixed it either with cranberry (don’t get that stuff here) or apple cider (also don’t get that), it is fun but it is a different kind of drinking when you mix it.

Question to you guy, to you “sip” or do you just empty it?

PS: Steve, your US shots are tiny and a joke, serving vodka in such a cute little glass, who are your standard vodka customers dwarfs?

my smirnoff is warm and i have yet to try it straight. in fact i’m only posting this because i’m wasted but i’ve been drinking it mixed with this kiwi/strawberry/white grape juice stuff i drink all the time [washes down bong hits nicely ;)], and you can barely taste it at all, i just was curious what kind of booze i could mix with it. gin surprisingly totally does not work. it was wrong on many levels, but vodka works nicely.

i need OJ for a screwdriver. or kahlua and cream for a white russian. what else can i mix up? a proper LI iced tea requires like 5 different kinds of booze right? need vermouth for a vodka martini, which im not very fond of anyway.

Black russians are good, vodka, tia maria and coke.

Anybody ever try this stuff?

Soy vodka. I’m a little unsure about it, but it has gotten some rave reviews.

I was officially banned from drinking vodka on Christmas Eve 1996. I decided to experiment with Salmiakki vodka- a friend bought back some salmiakki sweets from Finland so I bought a bottle of vodka and made a whole bottle. Now I hate the taste of liqourice but decided to try and like it. I then decided to drink straight vodka when we went out later that night to the pub ,as another experiment.

I was crying at my boyfriend until 4am Christmas morning, followed by being horribly sick then having to deal with my family on Christmas day.

Salmiakki vodka sucks people!!! Avoid!

You people seriously have to learn how to get drunk properly.

  1. Eat a solid meal before drinking, steaks and stuff are cool
  2. Hydrate before drinking
  3. Go with one “type” of drink the entire evening, don’t mix it up
  4. keep hydrating while drinking, an orange juice every 4 to 6 double shots is a good thing
  5. don’t stop drinking until you are at home and finished getting ready to sleep
  6. hydrate again and put in something for your electrolytes and vitamins
    You follow these simple rules you won’t have a hangover or anything else

oh and the last one, it can be left out but should not
7) know your limit and only go past it if in good/trustworthy company

It’s crazy, we speak the same language but our countries are different! The way to escape the size difference in shots is to pour your own drinks, of course.

This image is how Liquor/Wine/Beer stand up to each other (by alcohol content, for the average crappy beer esp.):

A bottle of wine has 4-6 glasses in it (depending on the person pouring) at most.

Whereas a bottle of Vodka would probably have at least 20 shots in it. Obvious a shot is supposed to be a standard drink, but by volume and capacity, a bottle of Vodka will almost always be better drunk per dollar value.

f4n4n, get some real fucking Vodka, mate. Skyy vodka is lollywater, although it’s blue pretty bottles are pretty and full of orange yummy.

Let me see if I can find that New Zealand Vodka company selling Kiwifruit vodka, Grapefruit vodka and fucking MANUKA HONEY VODKA.

I’m not expert on drankin’, but I’m pretty sure Vodka is supposed to be served cold. The colder the better. I started off just sipping, but these days I go for a whole hit and usually do it in two gulps. I’m workin’ on it.

Su Lin just reminded me: Stay the fuck away from liquorice flavoured liquor. PERIOD. I don’t care which country it’s from. JUST DON’T DO IT.

f4n4n, for the most part your advice involves not getting horribly crunk. Constant hydration is good for hangovers, but eating beforehand limits the amount of alcohol intake. Whilst good for protecting yourself from death by alcohol, clearly the object of drankin’ is to get as close to this as possible, making your advice silly.

I quit drinking! I just don’t do it anymore.