[b]The Ultimate challenge
Ultimate fighter Matt Lindland visits Roseburg to create awareness for sport that is still growing[/b]
Ultimate fighter Matt Lindland visited Roseburg last weekend to provide some instruction and advice in the 10-year-old sport. He sparred a several rounds with a few local fighters.
Lindland has much bigger aspirations for the sport of ultimate fighting in Douglas County. He hopes to stage an ultimate fighting championship tournament at Seven Feathers Hotel & Casino Resort some time this year, and has already had talks with resort officials about such an event.
“Ultimate fighting is one of the fastest growing sports,” Lindland said last Saturday during a break in his informal clinic. “It’s a triathlon of combat sports – wrestling, boxing, kick boxing. It combines the martial arts. It’s a true sport, not just a spectator sport.”
Ultimate fighting has become most popular in Las Vegas, where tournaments every other month have drawn 13,000 to 16,000 spectators, according to Lindland who lives in Eagle Creek east of Portland. He added that a tournament in Japan sold out and drew a crowd of 90,000.
Dennis Davis, formerly of Roseburg, recently moved to Las Vegas in order to train and compete fulltime as an ultimate fighter.
Full article and picture at
““There’s been no deaths,” he added.” - Think he’s wrong about that.
I believe there was one in Russia?