The Transvestite kick-boxer and her/his life...

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>quote:

Tree huggers make me want to hurl…<img src=icon_smile_dead.gif border=0 align=middle>
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote></font id=quote>

God forbid we pass along a habitable planet to our grandchildren.

…Screw them, I’d rather drive an Excursion for my 3 mile ride to work.

While I’m pretty sure Brandies is the chemist I think a fair representation (okay maybe not fair but mine) of the earth is actually of a buffering solution. We keep adding acid and are having little effect at the time but it is a cumulative effect.

Anyways hope the girl is happy and beyond that don’t care. In related stories read this: it gets relevant at the caption “Warning to all guys”.

My single chopstick is bad at serving soup, cutting steaks and basting roasts and chickens. Besides that it owns.

I’ve actually been a fan of Parinya Charoenphol for a long time. She’s one of the meanest fighters I’ve ever seen. I recall watching a bout around '97 where her opponent was posturing and talking tough about how he was going to kick her ass. He lasted about five seconds before receiving a flying knee to the head, knocking him out.

In other news, I would bet 10 to 1 on her being able to hand Fatality Dragon’s ass to him on a spinning silver platter.

Hugs for everyone!

RM: Agreed about point #2!!!

Dochter: ROFLMAOTIPMP! Holy shit, now THAT is a funny story!

Now here’s the kicker for everyone…what if you found out that one of the women you jumped WAS a post-op transsexual? Would it bother you, even if you couldn’t tell the difference?

In all honesty, I can’t really say I’d care after the fact…what’s done is done, and I probably enjoyed it at the time.


“This place has a lot of potential.”
“Yeah! Man, it’s a HO-asis!” - 2 Fast 2 Furious

I am just REALLY against playing around with nature (that inculde transex, bringing the dead back to live, clone, and other things).

Your against bringing the dead back to life?..But Scorpion came back from the dead, and kicked ass.

you don’t see that everyday…or wait

Hard work, Patience, Dedication.

Is that a rhetorical question or a real question?


“This place has a lot of potential.”
“Yeah! Man, it’s a HO-asis!” - 2 Fast 2 Furious

I see how you guys are. I mentioned this …er person a LOOOOONG time ago and you all thought I was BSing now Kfss makes and he gets attention.

Stop whining, bitch! You’ll get your chance to seek revenge in ATL. I just hope you brought an extra set of panties, 'cause you’re gonna soil yours when you see me.

(Damn man, you were gone too long! LOL! wb!)


“This place has a lot of potential.”
“Yeah! Man, it’s a HO-asis!” - 2 Fast 2 Furious

I remember seeing a video about MT from Thailand about a kick boxer wanting a sex change and with each fight he had he would have the money for the sex change. The guy wanted it really badly and beat the crap out of alot of kick boxers. Just the look of the guy with make up on freaked out alot of guys. Really bizarr looking.

“Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law”

Freddy, learn to fucking read.

My single chopstick is bad at serving soup, cutting steaks and basting roasts and chickens. Besides that it owns.

Dochter learn to fucking read.

“Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law”

Film is availible on VCD just picked it up in China Town

I’ve seen that movie. It’s pretty good, but you have to remember it’s about a thai lady-boy, and not muay thai.

True that. He does pull off several nice techniques though.