the REAL way to make a silent kill

There is a myth going on about slitting somebody’s throat with a knife is a silent kill. It is anything but silent. The enemy will gurgle and thrash around until his brains run out of oxygen, creating a lot of noise in the process.

No, if you want a silent kill, you gotta put your blade at the indent at the base of your enemy’s skull (bone is thin there) and slam upward at a 45-degree angle. You’ll scramble his medulla oblongata and the motor senses are cut off immediately. Now THAT’s a silent kill.

Silenced firearms would be the best, but there are no such thing as silence firearms. Only suppressed ones that still makes noise.

Thanks for the tip…?

Just clearing a myth. Besides how would you rather die, if you had to choose: by getting stabbed and slashed to death, or by someone who knows this method, which is a fast and painless death?

I wish someone would silently kill your internet connection.

I prefer the atomic wedgie for up close silent kills. It gives a whole new meaning to the term “wet work” let me tell you.

I have this very phrase needle-pointed onto a lovely wall-hanging in my family room.

I have to say, I did not expect to read a thread like this when I logged on to bullshido today.

If you are 13 then that’s fine, thanks for the info. If you are any older I feel I must warn you that you are going to pay for sex your entire life.

Lurk first. No such tale will pass muster here, Eddo–not unless you’ve tested it in sportfighting.

When you do get around to doing that, let us know how it goes. Prisons allow phone calls.

fucking hilarious!

That was very, very funny

So…how many people have you killed, silently or not?

18, give or take.

How can you give or take? They’re either dead or not dude, I call bullshido!

I’m still a fan of the hand over mouth & kidney stab, myself…

I always knew you were a kidney stabber

No homo.

nice out

WTF? You are gay?


I’m heteroflexible.