And in both threads the OP is nowhere to be seen.
Gotta’ say that I now have an urge to stroke and Ssh someone next time I put them in a rear naked chock.
Is that wrong?
Has the internet finally warped me?
to OP: video or it didnt happen
everyone knows if you want to learn Special Forces awesome style silent kills you just gotta play Splinter Cell for a few hours, you’ll be a master by midnight
Can’t you talk about anything nice for a change? The fluffy kittens? The Easter bunny?
Was it moose who suggested the wedding march as he sinks the choke in? It’s the best bet I’ve heard so far, even if it is t3h gh3y
No, no, no. You feed a body into a wood chipper head first. If you put them in feet first, the head can pop off near the end and you have o pick it up and throw it back in to finish the job. If the body goes in head first it will feed through cleanly.
Same folder as “Robotussin-rave cocktails, picking up 30something MILFs and make $$$ on MySpace”
I personally thought that The End by The Doors was the best song to RNC someone to. “This is the end, beautiful friend. This is the end my only friend the end.” Its like he wrote it to be used as a taunt while choking someone out.
You don’t suppose someone made said silent kill on OP, do you? He’s just disappeared.
Oh, and, I’m in agreement with the disturbed/warped stuff. If OP is/was serious and is not trolling, my wager is 30 year old Ma’s basement-dwelling neckbeard, but hey that’s just one guy’s opinion.
Maybe he has read too many Tom Clancy novels?
They have all the military nerd trivia you could want without ever having to actually get shot and yelled at by men.
Yeah, because if he wanted to get shouted at by a women, he’d get a girlfriend. AMIRIGHT!!!111! :laughing6
That’s perfectly fine. I also suggest whispering softly in their ear, “Its going to be alright. I’m never going to let you go.” Works wonders for me.
So you know the lyrics to Rick Astley’s best? faggot.
<3 :new_smile
If the OP posts video of someone killing a mime, I am willing to forgive him for his terrible post. Actually, there’s not a lot I wouldn’t do in exchange for a video of someone killing a mime (no homo).
>That’s perfectly fine. I also suggest whispering softly in their ear, “Its going to be alright. I’m never going to let you go.” Works wonders for me.<
What is the wrongest thing to whisper to someone as you rear naked choke them?
I feel a need to find out by choking people and whispering random things whilst a guy in a white coat with a clipboard measures the look of distress in their eyes.
It’ll only hurt the first time…
“This is just like my time in prison”
Can you feel my bar?
I know it doesn’t quite make sense we used to get a bloke saying that when he applied an armbar it became a running gag.
“i’ve been meaning to tell you for a while but i’ve been afraid… and right now i feel so close to you… i feel like we have a real connection, you know?” and so on.
the OPs post has been copied word for word, if I remember right from a scene from Uncommon Valor, ubercheezefest vietnam rescue with Gene Hackman and patrick Swayze.
too lazy to see if the scene is on youtube