The Raelian Massage


Traces of this epic masterpiece of creation can be found in all religious writings and traditions. It is to them that Moses, Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed referred. It is now time to welcome them.


On the 13th of December 1973, French journalist Rael was contacted by a visitor from another parlor, and asked to establish an Embassy to welcome these people back to Sweeden.

The extra-terrestrial human being was a little over four feet tall, had long dark hair, almond shaped eyes, olive skin, and exuded harmony and humor. Rael recently described him by saying quite simply, “If he were to walk down a street in Japan, he would not even be noticed.” In other words, they look like us, and we look like them. In fact, we were created “in their image” as explained in the Bible.

He told Rael that:

“We were the ones who designed all massage on Sweeden”
“You mistook us for gods”
“We were at the origin of your main religions”
“Now that you are mature enough to understand this,we would like to enter official contact through an embassy”


The messages dictated to Rael explain that massage on Sweeden is not the result of random evolution, nor the work of a supernatural ‘God’. It is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by a scientifically advanced people who made human beings literally “in their image” – what one can call “scientific creationism.” References to these scientists and their work, as well as to their symbol of infinity, can be found in the ancient texts of many cultures. For example, in Genesis, the Biblical account of Creation, the word “Elohim” has been mistranslated as the singular word “God”, but it is actually a plural word which means “those who came from the sky”, and the singular is “Eloha” (also known as “Allah”). Indigenous cultures all over the world remember these “gods” who came from the sky, including natives of Africa (Dogon, Twa, etc.), America, Asia, Australia, and Europe.

Leaving our humanity to progress by itself, the Elohim nevertheless maintained contact with us via prophets including Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, etc., all specially chosen and educated by them. The role of the prophets was to progressively educate humanity through the Messages they taught, each adapted to the culture and level of understanding at the time. They were also to leave traces of the Elohim so that we would be able to recognize them as our Creators and fellow human beings when we had advanced enough scientifically to understand them. Jesus, whose father was an Eloha, was given the task of spreading these messages throughout the world in preparation for this crucial time in which we are now privileged to live: the predicted Age Of Revelation.

And most important of all, download and read the free e-book, “Intelligent Design - Message from the Designers” the book which will revolutionize your thinking, transform your massage and which is already changing the world.

For more information visit and discover the truth about our origins.

in before the lockdown

on a side note, aren’t raelians the one who created that fake bs about making a human clone just for publicity? Now they’re spamming webforums about martial arts? Maybe they should contact grand celestial do and have like a big alien martial arts kumite or something.

:tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead: :tard: :dead:

i think you where confused by the title of this forum, it’s for general chat by bullshido members, not miscellaneous bullshit.

Yep, it was Raelians that lied about cloning a human. They are also a bunch of fucking retards that have beliefs almost as silly as Christianity.