[The first post in this thread has been deleted due to over-spamming and linking to a pirate movie site. At Phrost’s request, please now use this thread to discuss Jet Li’s movie “The One.”]
I remember this movie sucking. Does it not? Maybe it has good fight scenes … if it does then I must have forgotten.
First off, I believe that Phrost deleted the opening because he doesn’t want the website to get involved in the long and complicated issue of piracy or associate the website with piracy websites.
Secondly, If you feel the need to DL the movie, it’s a few key strokes away on google. So, again, keep all the DL links of full films off the site.
Third, “The One?” Seriously? Sure some of the scenes are fun to watch but it’s certainly not Jet Li’s or Jason Stathom’s best. Hell, anyone can tell Jason Stathom couldn’t give two shits about the film just by viewing his less than enthusiastic acting. “War” is a much better choice by comparision.
Just go ahead and delete the thread if you want then. I feel no need to discuss this movie further, and if anyone wants to they can start a new thread with that intention.
Still “War” is crappy as well. Jason Statham in general isn’t performing very well. His fight scenes have a choppy feeling to them, you can almost hear somebody shout “cut” between the different takes. But there are only a few martial art flicks that I’m really able to enjoy: Blood on the Sun and Flashpoint (for obvious reasons), to a lesser extent SPL Killzone, Fist of Legend (with Jet Li) and Vinnie Jones’ fight scene in Submerged.
Yeah, War had a lot of problems, still a better choice than “The One” in my opinion. “The One” was just another in the long list of action movies trying to cash in on “The Matrix” craze.
Jason Stathom fights do have problems and have cliched segments, but entertaining. I will agree with you though, when it comes to MA flicks, it’s best to stick with Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Donnie Yen.