The Official Futurama Thread!!!

Dear Bullshido members,

Welcome one and all to the official Fucktardia thread!!!

As of now, I am the only known Fucktardian (FT) resident, but I hope to recruit new residents. You may be wondering how I got to be here, so I will explain in the most simple way:

Errant108 said so. 'Nuff said

So if you wish to become a resident here you will have to do a few things:

  1. Contact Errant108, now DerAuslander108 (I believe), and request entrance to FT.

You can do this by any means through this website via trolling, being a newb, and commenting in any stupid or asinine way about one of Errant’s posts.

  1. Follow all orders given to you by Errant (derauslander), and voila, you’ve done it!!!
    You are now a bonafide fucktard as labeled by Errant

(Rules are subject to change. Some Bullshido members may be forced into Fucktardia against their will, or some are already there, but just haven’t been made aware of where they are.)

Also, if you are not interested in becoming a resident, please feel free to promote citizenship to all the newbs, trolls, asshats, and former MAP residents to come and join up!

I look forward to new residents in all that is Fucktardia.



trollshido in 5…4…3…


Can I be a fucktardian?

Of course!!! All are welcome!

Especially someone of your caliber.

Yay!!!1 ^_____________^


Are you referring to the place where the Men Are Pussies M.A.P?

Hey ZenofAnger! why the fuck are you livin’ in Fucktardia’s suburbs? you think you too good for us?

(breaks into your car)

I see you have already established your stomping grounds in the land of Fucktards, Tharuz.

Who let you out of your cage?

get this man a dumbass tag! He’s earned it!

Well, you are from the East-side…

If that’s another name for Martial Arts Planet, then yes.

Personally, i don’t really see much of a difference in your spelling compared to mine. =)

Now all that’s left is to claim my turf with piss, criminal blood, faggot tears, and the screaming of children.

and large white line of cocaine.

THAT’ll mark my side of town, yo

I’m also in favor of a Fucktard tag as well.

Who the fucktard do you think you are!?

Conan, or something?

BTW, I claim the side of town with pr0n access and the toilet.

I’m tharuz bitch!


Straight up GANKSTA!

haven’t you seen the videos of me fighting all over youtube?

I could be the next kimbo slice son.

Like you need to ask.

Oh shit son! it’s a very uncreative attempt for an attack!


I better not piss off Rock Ape’s bitch!

or else he will keep making mean spirited, passive agressive comments.


This reminds me of that headline from The Onion:

“Tony Randall Secedes From Union; Declares Himself Independent Nation Of Randalia”

you mean something like this?