…are largely foreign in origin. Problem is, at this point in history there are so many great films that have been produced that if you were to ask me to name even 10 of my favorite, I would be scared to because I know in doing so I would be overlooking 10 others that were even more amazing. There are more movies being made better and better all the time, and there is just no way to keep track anymore.
Sure, there have been alot of great movies made in america. That being said, there is what feels like an infinite wealth of beauty that lies in foreign film. For instance, if you have never witnessed the majesty of an Akira Kurosawa peice or fallen helpless to the disturbing wonder in a Takaashi Miike picture, you just don’t know movies.
I myself have just scratched the surface here, so I am looking to you all for help. What are some of your favorite foreign films? Who are your favorite writers/directors? Here are some of mine that I’ve seen so far, (anime included):
The Seven Samurai
Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall, and… Spring (amazing flick)
Red Beard
Big Bang, A Juvenile Love (weird, but great)
Anything by Shinchiro Watanabe (samurai champloo and cowboy beebop series)
You see? That’s it. That’s my whole list, and many of them are from the same handful of writers/directors. Any suggestions will be great.
Just for the record, I will also list some of the greatest Enlish Language movies Ive ever seen, please add to the list all the stuff I forgot:
(in no particular order)
The Professional (Leon)
Zorba The Greek
12 Monkeys
Cool Hand Luke
It’s a Beautiful Life
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
Citizen Kane
American Beauty
Apocolypse Now
A Clockwork Orange
The Godfather series
Resevoir Dogs
No country for old men
Kung Fu Hustle (really)
2001: A Space Odyssey
Double Indemnity
The Prestige
Kill Bill volumes 1 &2
The Big Lebowski
Ed Wood
Big Fish
Lock, Stock, and 2 Smoking Barrels
Shaun of the Dead