The (master) Hunt of Bullshido

no discushion… i r heer 2 meat teh hawt chix

Dude… Who isn’t??

Me …

So you’re here to meet guys, i understand man… :wink:

Wrong…I’m here for the fat chicks and transsexuals.

Eeew… That was a mental image i didn’t need…

Pure perfection (Who needs mental images?)


I am, in fact, at work… Thankfully.

And it’s my birthday, i refuse to look at gross things on my birthday.

You disappoint me.


[and happy birthday…again][/SIZE]

You disappoint me.


You can shoot people through the internet?

Man, you guys are badass.

Its t3h d34dly Chi… They now have an intawebs version!!

You wont do anything, 120 lb ninja-boy

Was just saying to Milton earlier, i’d be suprised if some of you could lift 100 lbs.

What?? Who’s a 120 ninja boy? Unless you meant you?

Hey, aimalyinbitchass. I tried to comment your wonderful video editing skills and choice of 50 Clit for music. Sadly, your video wouldn’t let me comment, so…

50 Clit got 0wned by Bang’em Smurf and Domination in NYC, so choose a new musical hero. Secondly…way to go with mashing a couple pictures up with some text. Maybe next time the 5 year old making your videos can use screen fades and panning…or is that too advanced for his multimedia skills? Oh well. Anyways, I suggest you and Mitlon buy an SKS for that “gun collection” too…and an AK…and an illegal automatic fire conversion kit. Now that would be fun.

calls ATF and informs them of Milton’s “gun collection”

Cheers, hope Bubba likes your “American History X” favorited videos…

PS: Why do we need to lift 100 lbs.? a 1911 only weigh 5.4 lbs. with extended clip and hollowpoints. I’m just sayin’.

STFU, Noob.

Ban, please.

awwww…that’s just sweet lil ol’ pillowtalk.

did you make Milt the post-coital sandwich or did he make you do it.

<note: judging by Milt’s girth, if IAMLyin was the sandwich maker, he would still be undertaking that task>

Did somebody say sandwich?