The Legend of Master Legend

The Legend of Master Legend - The Rolling Stone

An article on “real life masked super-heroes.”

Against one wall is a folding card table covered with a pile of papers and some ninja stars. I pick one up, inciting a gleeful demonstration. “Just a snap of the wrist!” Master Legend says, sending one flying straight into the far wall. “Catch this!” yells the Ace, joining in. “Takedown!” Master Legend says with a clap when I land one successfully. Eventually, Master Legend announces that “ninja time is over,” but not before he freestyles a final behind-the-back throw, nailing the skull on the wall right between the eyes.

Most Real Life Superheroes compensate for their lack of Adamantium skeletons or solar-fueled extraterrestrial strength by claiming extensive martial-arts abilities. Master Legend’s own personal fighting style is called “The Way of the Diamond Spirit,” which he says represents “an evolution of hand-to-hand combat.” As if to demonstrate, he sends a few jabs into the air. “One place you don’t want to be,” he says, tightening his gloved hand into a clenched fist, “is on the receiving end of the No Mercy Punch!”

I suppose in a way I applaud these people for taking on a sort of grand Libertarian adventure of personal ownership and responsibility, but at the same time it seems like grave folly for them to be doing a job that usually requires a lot of training (and a government issued side arm) to do properly. Throwing around ninja stars at the scene of a robbery is likely to get the hero shot and killed.

He’s already got big plans for a van outfitted to allow Master Legend to emerge from the back on a motorcycle — the Legend Cycle — while the van is moving, like Knight Rider. Genius Jim, the mechanic, is already scouring his contacts for the van and the Enduro two-stroke that he will turn into the Legend Cycle.

Actually, that seems like a far quicker way to get yourself killed.

Despite their successes, things have been hard for the Justice Force lately. “These are bad times,” Master Legend says, opening a few “thirst quenchers” after dinner. I’ve already noticed there are always a few empty twelvers laying around the secret hide-out. Outside the front door, a mountainous pile of crushed cans suggests that Busch is the Justice Force brand of choice.


Hoping for more from my brothers from the south.

Bush, Bud and Miller are not the drinks of choice.

Go home and try again - you didn’t even mention Lone Star.

I look forward to the next headline: NEW STUPID WAY TO DIE DISCOVERED.

I don’t see why these nut jobs just don’t become law enforcement officers or start up a private investigation agency. If I was going to go “vigilante justice” on criminals I’d go the private investigation route.

Then again these guys are probably just extreme LARPers but whatever.

Should have been posted in Geekdom on