The Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts is the Mecca of LARP

I’m not kidding

You need to lurk more, if you had you would have come across that thread about posters of low content threads being banned.

Now would be a good time to start posting reasons and evidence for your claim.

If it’s the mecca of LARP does that mean they cut your hands off for not doing kata?

So what giant robot cartoons are you guys into? I could almost get into mecha cartoon, the concept of a giant robot that you sit in and have fights is really cool. It’s just the the cartoons like macross, gundam ect are so fucking boring. Why can’t we have the “Ninja Scroll” of mecha? That I could get into.

it’s pretty obvious, they have a bazillion techniques to teach to their students so that they never get to sparring

Are you talking shit about a particular school, or Inosanto in general, a man with mad amounts of respect and credibility?

Decent post or ban this ass-hat plz

I think you’ll need to provide more for the discussion.

(else you’ll be the victim of a typographical bitch-slapping).

haha OIC… “Mecha”.

Good call

I’ve visited many inosanto academy affiliated schools and they were all crap. they were just teaching cool techniques inosanto tought them and larping around with them endlessly

Well that’ll do for a reason for now. This is the part where you provide proof to back up your claim.

Yep. Pls include who you are, what you train in and where.

Bruce Leee,

  1. go to newbietown and introduce yourself, which arts you train(ed) in, experience, blahblah… you get the routine

  2. On this thread gives us proof, not an opinion

  3. fill in your style field

Maybe that is because he actually has the ability and credibility to teach multiple martial arts and the varying degrees of difference between the multiple martial arts. Or maybe it is because you walked in there you first day and they taught things that you thought were too difficult and walked out thinking they were wrong and you are right.

Did you ever thing that learning martial arts is a life long endeavor and maybe there is a lot of stuff to learn?

How long did you train at one of his academies? Which ones? What were they teaching that is so worthless? What do you know that they don’t know?

Did you think that they didn’t let you spar because you aren’t mature enough to handle it?

I actually didn’t I made that funny.

But seriously, back on topic; Why are mecha cartoons so boring when they have such potential?

Too much focus on politics and whiny little emo teens, not enough focus on giant robots blowing the shit out of each other.

Yeah dude, more robots, more bombs, less overdubbed Japanese cartoon soap opera

Virus, i always liked robotech and macross.

there also used to be another one, a young boy becomes an orphan and some bald dude takes care of him.

the enemies are some sorta skeleton robots.
cant remember the name.

it was from the 80ies.

I remember that one, but forgot the name. The only disappointment was the last episode, it sucked big time.

It’s GoShogun, but its also renamed to Macron 1

Forgive me for veering slightly off topic but I recently got a chance to play Armored Core: For Answer and I can honestly say that it is really entertaining. It also illustrates that having plot or any attempt at character developement can only harm a medium seemingly built for mindless violence, much like those stupid Japanese cartoons you guys are on about.

This thread has a topic?

Yeah that looks pretty cool.