What is it? Many people say that Judo was the first art to use belts, is that true? Is there any actual evidence of arts using the belt system before judo?
It’s all Kano’s fault.
I know in some kung fu (lol) systems they only uses two sashes. One being black for students and for instructors a red sash. (I dont know for sure how old is this tradition though.)
Lu Tze is right it was Kano who Officially started the color belt system.
Kano started the trend, but then Kawaishi blew it to hell when he started the multi colored system
Koreans invented 2000 years ago for Hwarang warriors.
On serious note.
As Neko stated, Mikinosuke Kawaishi made the belt colors very colorfull. Kano only had white and black belt system, all the colors in between that is used now is thanks to Kawaishi. He made it multicolor during his time in France because he thought westerners would learn better with more color belts for them to achieve.
Was he also the guy that introduced the stripes on belts (kyu and/or dan)?