The First Trollshida Kim International Youtube Championship

The First Trollshida Kim International Youtube Championship

The event will begin today, Feb 28th, and ends on Mar 14th.


[/B]1. The highest score you can receive for this event, is 15pts. This will go into your point pool, to be later added to points from the other competitions. Much like the Olympic hurdle where score is attributed to distance, you get one shot at a msg, and we count the points from the received response.

Any msgs he sends after the initial response will not contribute to the point pool (unless he choses to respond in a spastic/frantic manner more than 10 times, at which point a special Trollshida committee will commune, to award additional points.)

  1. The points are awarded as follows.
    When Kimshida makes the following remarks in a reply, you earn points:
  • each time he refers to himself in 3rd person - 1pt per comment

  • comments about sexual orientation - 1pt per comment

  • comments about insecurity - 1 pt per comment

  • comments about being a roid monkey - 1 pt per comment

  • comments about “having something to prove” - 1 pt per comment

  • comments about being in league with Stephen Hayes or Hatsumi - 2 pts per comment

  • comments about him being an author of several books on “Ninjitsu” as a sign of his authority- 3pts

  • comments about pissing in his chilli - 3pts

  • comments about arthritis/back/prostate problems - 3 pts

  • comments about him being too old to fight - 5 pts

  • threatening to send his army after you - 7 pts

  • threatening to send his “astral spies” (yes, astral spies, it’s beed said) - 8 pts

  • threateninig to come down and kick your ass in person - 9pts

  • pussying out after the said threat - 15 pts, instant qualify ( will qualify, even if written in a follow-up response)

  • anything involving his admission of BS - 8 pts

  • being challenged by Kimshida or one of his followers - 15 pts, instant qualify

  1. This event will take place on Youtube, where you will comment on any videos that have comments enabled, or simply message him if comments are disabled. Please post your OP and his reply in the same post for the sake of conserving space. If you have a follow up MSG from Kimshida, edit your OP, and add the date of his reply. Please include all relevant Youtube links.

Provide links to his YouTube videos?

Fair enough. Here are some potential targets.

User Profile:

Ninja Ground Fighting<<<<<
YouTube - Sensei Broussard (Komuso Ryu Ninjitsu)

Ashida Kim pretending to fly with a hoop up his ass:
YouTube - Ninja Magic

Ashida Kim Interviews:
YouTube - Ashida Kim Interview Clip 1
YouTube - Ashida Kim Interview Clip 2
YouTube - Invisible Tattoo of the Ninja (Ashida Kim)

Ashida Kim Lightsaber Demo
YouTube - Ashida Kim vs Sensei Broussard (Laser Swords)

Instant Self Defense Vid
YouTube - Instant Self Defense by Grandmaster Ashida Kim

YouTube - Ninja Blind Fold Training (Sparring)

Deadliest Thing Ever
YouTube - Kinji-Te, the Forbidden Fist of the Ninja

** EDIT**

It seems that now text comments have been disabled on the vids. However, you can post messages on the profile page.

Here’s a direct link.
Good luck!!!

how about this one?

YouTube - Ninja Kick Boxing

sent my email out. let’s see what happens next.

here is what i sent.

dearest honorable and esteemed grandmaster ninja kim,

i humbly approach you in hopes that you can help me complete my ninja journey. for the past decade, i have studied various styles of karate and tae kwon do. i have also read many books about how to be a ninja attacker. i have learned much but have much to learn still. i have read your books and found them to be invaluable. i feel i am ready for the next step.
i have multiple black belt degrees in various karate and tae kwon do styles, as well as a tang soo do black belt i won in an honor challenge. i have also spent the last year studying brazilian ground fighting jujutsu and taiwanese kickboxing. my weapons forms are solid, but need work.

i have been watching your videos more and more and i feel that i am at an impassable impass in my training. dim mak is all i am lacking to pass this impass that is currently very difficult to overcome.

i am positive that you are familiar with brazilian ground fighting jujutsu moves, especially the one called the “triangle choke”. this move is devistating in my between my legs. it is so devistating that i have started calling it the ninja face rape. i need to learn how to put a dim mak into the face rape choke.

i have plenty of time in the near future to train on location. is there any way i can train with you in the deadly art of dim mak and perfect the face rape choke into the deadly dim mak face rape.

your eternal ninja apprentice,
sam (but you can call me dragon night wing)

oh this is going to be fun!

Goddamnit, he’s disabled comments.