The existance of chi

Work on your abs more

Chi is bollocks and does not exist

Thread concluded

I’ll knuckle your head in a minute, pal.

My idea on tendon use came from the fact that one TCC instructor would ‘prove’ the existence of chi with the example of the strength of a baby’s grip. The ‘palmar reflex’ is powerful enough to allow a baby to grasp a bar and hang suspended from it. Or hilariously pull its mum’s hair out. As a baby has no real muscle development to speak of, the argument goes, the baby must be using chi, an ability we lose as we get older.

I remember reading that a baby’s grip strength actually comes from use of the tendons, so it occured to me that perhaps the powerful grips and pulls exhibited by some TCC students come from certain TCC exercises allowing the practitioner’s body to re-learn how to use tendons instead of muscles.

It’s just a thought, of course, but it has been shown that tendon transfer surgery in tetraplegic patients can restore use of the palmar grasp, so it may not be as silly as it sounds!

i think this video will answer ALL of your questions regarding chi…

Uh, well that was helpful. Thanks for throwing some irrelevant crap into the thread.

For anyone who is genuinely interested in the practical applications of chi, here is a clip that actually CONTRIBUTES something to this thread -

i have a crush on you and must do push ups.

sumbuddy help me over here!

kewl, wanna cyber?

yeah. let me put on my robe and wizard hat.

wow, and I thought I might have gotten a decent thread going…

yeah, and they thought Titanic was unsinkable…they were wrong too

Well Im certaily not saying that i beleive in Chi but over 70% of the Universe is made up of an uknown Substance…Dark Matter, could there be a connection?

No Probably Not…what the fuck was i talking about again?

no one cares what you were babbling about.

stp pstng plz.

I just tried both of these with my four month old son. Thanks Zangdog, I just THOUGHT she [my wife] was mad when he fell from the pullup bar.

“Most reflexes generally disappear before the 3rd and 4th months” (

Child abuser!!!

If you are going to make up theories about physiology, LEARN A LITTLE ABOUT HOW THE BODY WORKS FIRST. If you had the most basic clue about what a muscle is and what a tendon is, you would know how utterly ridiculous this sounds. I am amazed how ignorant people can be about their bodies (and yet they can still name everyone on American Idol).

Educate yourself

NOW you tell me. This bit of info would have been useful a few days ago.

Dammit, :slight_smile:

what happened in my experience was I had every muscle from neck down tensed, and with a light punch to the stomach I was on the floor gasping for air.

You are “teh ghey”? That would explain quite a bit actually…

You said “penetrate”! :smiley: