The Dunning-Kruger Dunning-Kruger Effect

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If you’ve never even read the abstract from David Dunning and Justin Kruger’s “Unskilled and Unaware of it” but still insist on referring to the Dunning-Kruger Effect to try and dunk on someone, there’s a good chance you fall under its purview.

Why do I get this horrible feeling that my jokes aren’t as funny as I think they are


Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Facebook is down at the moment, so

It ties into empathy, in that people tend to overestimate their ability to recognize what someone else is thinking and feeling, with the result that you get this wildly inaccurate projection where someone just ends up asking “What would I do, if I were them?” instead of considering what that person is experiencing and doing, and why.

It’s another case of not knowing what you don’t know because you lack sufficient knowledge of the thing to recognize how little you know about it.

You should always be your own audience.

If it weren’t for shoe leather I’d have died from malnutrition years ago. My ability to say exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time is a wonder to behold. At a safe distance of course. If it ever turns out that foot-in-mouth disease is a real thing, you won’t have to look long for patient zero.

This is very insightful. I have been toying a lot with the idea of what constitutes delusion lately. One of the common themes that I see a lot is people putting their own imagination into what they don’t know and filling the gaps with the things that they desire, fear, love and like depending on their present mood. WHen their own opinion is brougth into question as a result of this or any other thing, I think people tend to side with or against the things that cause the greatest emotional response in them as necessary to protect the self.

Guy Ritchie made a movie called Revolver that explores Fruedian psychology on the subject of delusion and ego. Some people reject Frued outright due to some of the things he got disastrously wrong but I think that’s a mistake when it comes to how keenly he observes the way people protect their vanity and pride.

Some food for thought if you ever have a few minutes and want to spark a jay with your closest pal and watch a movie about the mind. Plus, it’s a Guy Ritchie film so it’s f’ing cool anyway. As an aside that is totally off subject: who expected Andre 3000 to turn in that good of a performance in a movie with Ray Liotta in it. Unbelievable. I’ve watched it like 5 times and I still see things in it that I’ve never seen before.

The guy did play a dozen characters or more simultaneously in Hey Yeah.