The Diary of an aspiring MMA Cage Fighter

February 2, 05

Dear diary, I have purchased you from the local Wal-Mart to help me analyze and improve my life’s passion. To be the greatest fighter. But before we get into that, I must shed some light into what has happened recently.

As you know(maybe not, since you are indeed just a chopped up tree), I had been studying Tae Kwon Do for 4 years. Sensei Utmost Lord Of El was training me non stop 3 days a week for 1 hour per class. I don’t understand what went wrong diary. I was so talented. I reached my black belt by the 3rd month and 7th dan by my second year. People kept talking about some asshole getting his black belt in under 4 years in the UFC. But here I was with a 12th dan by then. Anyways diary, there was this beautiful maiden at school who I really adored. The only problem was, there was another boy who liked her. But it was no problem because I am a 12th dan in Tae Kwon Do, the ultimate fighting art (Or so I thought at the time). We got into a scuffle and before I could warn him (black belts must warn their opponents ahead of time or face legal issues since they are killing machines, and I was 12 times the killing machine) he punched me in the face. When I woke up the school nurse told me to take it easy. But, at the time my issue was punches. There are no punches in Tae Kwon Do diary. I’m sleepy diary, continue tomorrow.


I see from your style field you haven’t learnt from your mistakes…the TRUE sign of a WARRIOR!

[quote=fadfad;2163041]February 2, 05

Dear diary, I have purchased you from the local Wal-Mart to help me analyze and improve my life’s passion. To be the greatest fighter. But before we get into that, I must shed some light into what has happened recently.

As you know(maybe not, since you are indeed just a chopped up tree), I had been studying Tae Kwon Do for 4 years. Sensei Utmost Lord Of El was training me non stop 3 days a week for 1 hour per class. I don’t understand what went wrong diary. I was so talented. I reached my black belt by the 3rd month and 7th dan by my second year. People kept talking about some asshole getting his black belt in under 4 years in the UFC. But here I was with a 12th dan by then. Anyways diary, there was this beautiful maiden at school who I really adored. The only problem was, there was another boy who liked her. But it was no problem because I am a 12th dan in Tae Kwon Do, the ultimate fighting art (Or so I thought at the time). We got into a scuffle and before I could warn him (black belts must warn their opponents ahead of time or face legal issues since they are killing machines, and I was 12 times the killing machine) he punched me in the face. When I woke up the school nurse told me to take it easy. But, at the time my issue was punches. There are no punches in Tae Kwon Do diary. I’m sleepy diary, continue tomorrow.


Well, tkd might not but wing chun has multitudes of punches, they will occasionally chain them together. Stick with your wing chun training and train hard and you will fill all the small holes in your tkd game very quickly. Then surely you will win the hand of the lovely maiden at your school.

Either do this or learn to fight.

Don’t kid yourself.

What wingchunx2z means is: “RAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPERAPE.”

look friend i am worried that if you compete in the ufc your 12th dan master skills may make it dangerous for other contestants. Their simple boxing and wrestling skills will put their life in danger when confronted with your spinning back kicks and plywood-shattering power. For their safety, please reconsider!

There is no FOOM.

fadfad = Photo of Lord El Utmost with you please?

I’m not entirely sure if you are the worlds most subtle troll or just the most frustrating chunner out of bullshido as a whole.

Either way I hope you get castrated by chain punches.

[quote=fadfad;2163041]February 2, 05

Dear diary, I have purchased you from the local Wal-Mart to help me analyze and improve my life’s passion. To be the greatest fighter. But before we get into that, I must shed some light into what has happened recently.

As you know(maybe not, since you are indeed just a chopped up tree), I had been studying Tae Kwon Do for 4 years. Sensei Utmost Lord Of El was training me non stop 3 days a week for 1 hour per class. I don’t understand what went wrong diary. I was so talented. I reached my black belt by the 3rd month and 7th dan by my second year. People kept talking about some asshole getting his black belt in under 4 years in the UFC. But here I was with a 12th dan by then. Anyways diary, there was this beautiful maiden at school who I really adored. The only problem was, there was another boy who liked her. But it was no problem because I am a 12th dan in Tae Kwon Do, the ultimate fighting art (Or so I thought at the time). We got into a scuffle and before I could warn him (black belts must warn their opponents ahead of time or face legal issues since they are killing machines, and I was 12 times the killing machine) he punched me in the face. When I woke up the school nurse told me to take it easy. But, at the time my issue was punches. There are no punches in Tae Kwon Do diary. I’m sleepy diary, continue tomorrow.


I remember a similar fake diary to this, where they ranted about blitzdefence.

Also, learn to press enter arbitrarily. Makeum easier read.

That was Diary of a Chunner and it was a lot more humouress then this, but I’ll give this a chance, it has potential :slight_smile:


Cant wait to see where this goes

[B]February 6, 05

[/B]Lord Utmost of El agreed to privately teach me his world famous whirlwind fist strikes. He told me that he once had to defeat an Olympic boxer but did not want to use his Tae Kwon Do advantage and thus used this technique. The only condition for him to teach me this legendary technique, passed down to only a select few from generation to generation was to avoid all confrontations if possible, and pay him 120$ per hour (he said he’d cut the price in 5 because he thinks I am a great person. I have the NICEST master!). Once we began training, master told me to strike at him with only fists. His hands would twirl around and then punch me in the face. Wow, this was awesome. I think I once saw this in an anime. The secret, diary, is that you must throw your hands around in circles, really fast, so fast that your opponent gets confused and then punched in the face. So ingenious, yet silly boxers try to time their punches and use combinations.

Diary, I simply do not know where I’d be or what I’d do without such great martial artists.

I’ll see ya later diary.


*edit Diary, I think I heared Lord Utmost wrong, he said it was 5 seperate instalments of 120$ not regular price of 600/5. Darn, where do I get this money from?

Seeing as though you have had a couple of lessons with Lord Utmost, you should be qualified to teach. That should take care of the money issue.

Someone blow up MrBadGuy’s school so he is forced to continue Bulldinkietwinkies.

Whoever told him to train in Wing Chun is an idiot. Wing is not for ring use, its far too deadly. Are you trying to get somebody killed!?!?!? Think before you speak please.

like most american humour, you are ruining the joke by overplaying it. you have to keep that little bit of “is he shitting me?” suspense.

[B]February 20, 05

[/B] Well, I’ve been working a lot to pay off the debt to my lord and savior of fighting. While working earlier today a man came in with the intention of robbing the store. He put a pistol to my face and told me to give him all the money in the register. I was so scared diary. I don’t know how bruce lee was always so calm when fighting those hundreds of gang members alone, god what a martial artist. But, I also couldn’t help but notice that this man had red eyes, was very nervous and sweating all over and that he was black. “Gimme Da mony B*tch” he kept telling me. “or I be bustin a cap in your ass”. Relief had hit me right there. The intensity of the situation just went away! He couldn’t shoot me, he had a cap gun!

Don’t worry diary, I definitely would not be a martial artist if I lost to a cap gun. Oh shit, I think dad is beating mom again. I’ll tell you the rest later diary.


Stop it.