The dating game: tactics and strategies

I’ve been divorced for like 6 months now and have been making effort to go meet some new females. My goal is to find a good, independent girlfriend as opposed to keeping my dick wet.

Now 26, I’ve was married my entire adult life and so I’m trying to figure out these dating games for the first time.

At the risk of sounding naive, I’d like to share my observations/gameplans so far and invite your comments, criticisms, and insights. Especially any interested females, if y’all ever click on this subforum. I’ll leave out any mention of sex for now for the sake of my own privacy.

The first date: You show interest by asking her out. She shows interest by accepting. The tit-for-tat begins. Your primary goals on the first date are to demonstrate your abilities to a) be able to spend several hours with her without annoying her, b) listen to things she has to say and offer intelligible responses, and c) set up success in future dates by figuring out what makes her tick. Oh, and most importantly, d) get a second date. Don’t get drunk. If she wants to get drunk, keep in mind if she’s drunk on the first date she could get drunk everytime you hang out. Could be fun, could be depressing or annoying, YMMV.

I usually offer to buy the first round of drinks, this gives her the opportunity to buy the next. If she buys you drinks later in the evening its a good sign, and you have begun the tit-for-tat power sharing. If she is smiling and chatting still after hours of first date, it probably went well.

The call after the first date: Now the gamesmanship begins. You have to signal that you’d like to continue developing this proto-relationship. Apparently, calling the next day can be off-putting. I suspect that some females are fearful of a guy thinking about them that they don’t quite trust yet. Two days seems to allay this fear and, depending on the timing of the first date, gives her time to call you back to set something up for the weekend.

A great date may still warrant a next-day call. It communicates that you are thinking of her and want to continue forward. Every females draws the line between creepy and romantic differently for every guy they interact with. If she responds positively, it may be a sign she is as excited as you are.

She won’t answer your call. Somewhere along the way, maybe on that day in middle school where they split up the guys and girls, all females are trained to be elusive at the proto-relationship stage. She will wait one day to call you back if she is into you, because longer than that and she risks losing your interest. If she waits longer than that, either you didn’t impress her on date 1, she really liked you and is a nervous type, or she was just busy. You never really know.

Now what does she get with this elusiveness? Here’s my theory as to the benefits:

  1. She asserts control. She is controlling the pace of things.
  2. She sees how you react to her having control. If you bug her and don’t recognize the control she has at this point, you fail. Females know that in a successful relationship, each person has to give up some control. This is a test, let her be elusive.

She may tell you things she is doing during the week so that you can’t see her on certain nights. This is a good thing. Part of this elusiveness training females receive is the idea that if they pursue, the guy will run, but if they run the guy will pursue. She wants you to think she is socially engaged. She is inviting you to pursue her, stake a claim on her time. Or she is just busy, you never know.

When she does call, you’re only goal is to get her to commit to the 2nd date. Don’t try to chat about her day, save that for when y’all are married and have nothing else to talk about (I’ve been there). She’ll chat about her day with her girl friends.

2nd date: Shoot for a weekend. By committing a weekend to each other you are implying that, of all the things possible on a saturday night, the two of you think that spending time together is a top pick. This is the date where she decides whether you’re a friend or a lover. She’ll decide when to let you know what her conclusion is and you’ve got to let her.

Your goals: a) encourage her to think sexy thoughts by seeking opportunities to touch her, compliment her, and work in innuendos, b) continue to not annoy her, c) make her laugh.

She will be much more at ease now that y’all made it through date 1 and you have ceded some control to her. Have fun, try to let your guard down a little. Touch her but don’t be weird or nasty (unless thats what she likes). Dancing can be a good 2nd date. Movies can be if you’re smooth/old school enough to go for a hand hold or a arm around the shoulder. Karaoke if it suits both of you.

Continue tit-for-tatting, for example: you buy dinner, she buys drinks after. Give her opportunities to wield power and skill and recognize her for it. Pay attention to her and do nice things when opportunities present themselves.

Call after 2nd date: You may be setting precedence for the remainder of the relationship. Call wisely. If you call the next day, she may always expect next-day calls and get anxious/upset if you don’t call her immediately in the future. Or she could be chill and not care when you call her. She likely will still be in elusive mode. Just go with it. Tell yourself it means she likes you. Just get to that third date.

3rd date: Do something different. Do something during the day. If you went to bars for dates 1 and 2, go to the museum, go to the zoo, go to the dog park, go running, do something fun but in an environment you two haven’t been in before together. This makes things real as the two of you are entirely sober among the general population as opposed to drunk making out in the corner of a bar if you had a really fun date 1 or 2.

After 3rd date, start working on the rut you’ll soon be in. It’ll either be good or y’all will break up soon.

And martial arts nerds give dating advice in 3… 2…

Divorced 6 months? Wait at least another 6. Women can smell desperation like cheap cologne. It turns them off. Jerk off lots, get your head together and then go hunting.

The harder you look, the harder you fail. You go hunting for a shag, not for a girlfriend. Some you end up sleeping with may become linger term relationships. But, you’re going into this as a 26yr old, so don’t try and date as 19 year old. Know what I mean? It takes practice. I was 28 went I back out on my own. It fucking sucked for while…

Don’t aim to meet anew long term girlfriend. Aim to meet and make female friends. Some may evolve in more than friends. If you go looking for a girlfriend, you’ll go home alone, or worse get your heart broken.

from a fellow divorcee,

Good luck bro…

I honestly wouldn’t even bother coming up with your own theories. I read some of your stuff, and honestly, it’s pretty off the mark. If you want to learn how to pick up women, get dates and enter relationships, you should read “The Game” by Neil Strauss and start looking at the material he recommends. It’s a good way to start building better social abilities and understanding the way attraction, rapport and comfort building works with women.

Nice. One thing I don’t agree with. Women know when they will fuck you within the first 5 minutes.

I was reading up until the part that included her buying you drinks.

You fail as a man, cut off your testicles.

I don’t give a fuck how broke you are, how sexist you whiny fagots think this sounds or if everyone else you’ve talked to about this has said different but you ABSOLUTELY NEVER FUCKING EVER LET A WOMAN PAY FOR ANYTHING ON A DATE.

Read that very fucking slowly numb nuts. Also, to any dumbass’s with sand in their vag about what I said.

  1. Yes I’ve taken a woman to a bar (in b4 ur mom/sister/grandma/dog doesn’t count).
  2. If you can’t spend cash between you and your date, you shouldn’t be fucking dating.

If this is some kind of unspoken golden rule of letting chicks pay when you go out that all you old fucks have then dear fucking god you mothefuckers are sad and pathetic.

this angry rant has been brought by guiness and my g/f leaving me 2 days ago

100% fucking true. There is a 0.01% you can change this.

I was never divorced, but it was this advice right here that got me out of being a femailure, if you know what I mean.

Something else I’ve learned: be classy as hell, within reason. I’ll say it again, for emphasis: be classy as hell, within reason. Both parts are equally important. Note that I’m only a freshman in college, so my experience might be total bullshit. But it’s worth a shot, no?

Here are some abbreviations:
cahwr - “classy as hell, within reason”
MC - Maximum Classiness
CO - Classiness Output, directly related to EC(f), capped by MC
EC(f) - Female’s expectations of your classiness
C(d) - costs incurred on date

Being cahwr always starts with being a Nice Guy. If the wr part ever requires you to stoop lower, then you probably shouldn’t date her. That is, if EC(f) < Nice Guy, she’s a bitch. Unless you’re actually a douchebag (and douchebags always love bitches), in which case you probably wouldn’t have made this thread.

Note that Nice Guy is a really really genuine thing. Holding the door for her isn’t really being a Nice Guy, unless you hold the door for her and you really feel as though she should have the door held for her. Not in a slave-master-relationship way (which is fucking creepy), but in a gentlemanly, truly Nice Guy kind of way. You hopefully know what I mean because I can’t explain it.

Many times, however Nice Guy is difficult to communicate on its own, and it’s very likely that EC(f) > Nice Guy. In that case, you’ll have to start paying for stuff: CO = C(d). But remember, Nice Guy is the foundation of all RC, and as such if C(d) ever comes at the expense of Nice Guy then you’re fucked.

I’m lazy and don’t want to finish this.

So here are some NEVER/AVOID/ALWAYSs to help you stay cahwr:

never ever let these happen:
NEVER EC(f) < Nice Guy

not terrible, but still can cause problems:

make sure that these happen:
ALWAYS CO ≥ Nice Guy
ALWAYS CO ≥ C(d) iff C(d) ≤ MC (see NEVERs above)

there’s probably more but fuck it

The advice so far: don’t systematize and strategize. make friends. don’t set goals and don’t work hard. Pay for everything.

damn. none of those things come natural to me.

Thanks for all the advice. This dating shit is definitely getting me twisted up.

So be like Bruce Lee: be water, the way is no way (or whatever it is he said)

Squerli: sorry to hear about your girl leaving, that sucks.

Kwoww: Now youre speaking my language. How do you compare MC (classiness units) and C(d) ($)?

Eh, shit happens mate, life goes on.

Also: Never compromise your base morals for ANYONE. If a female NEEDS you to go to church/mosque/rave/SnM-Dugeon-Party/synagogue/satan-pit/[insert weird shit here] so she can date you and that makes you really uncomfortable then that means she’s not for you.

Also if your career sucks, work on that before a serious relationship. Money = stable. People that want to have serious relationships REALLY like stable.

Just don’t be anyone’s bitch. If you think she’s turning into a money sucking whore, you dump that bitch in second.

Don’t look for a girlfriend until you’re perfectly happy without one. That is how you avoid being desperate or settling.

Don’t try to make game plans, it won’t work. Relax. Be fun. Be confident. Let the good parts of you come out, pay first and pay always [when you’re in the initial round of dates. When you’re together you can let her pay equal or whatever, but when you’re in the beginning you don’t want to look like a poor-as-hell deadbeat do you?] and once again relax and be confident. Nobody’s going to bite. Confidence is a major turn on. Speak confidently, smile genuinely, make eye contact, try and make them laugh, and try and seem like you give a shit.

You’re gonna have people who won’t work out, always happens. It’s not always your fault. And sometimes it’ll work, spectacularly.

When it is time to go out, aim high too (but not too high, if you know what I mean). I know some lads who end up fucking regular old dogs cos their self-esteem is too low. Now, just like fat birds, there’s a time a place for a knee trembler with the ugly girl at the end of the night. And it usually comes right before you end up puking and blacking out beside the dumpster behind the bar.

Pretty girls like to be talked to too. Funny thing is…“they” are regular people too! And often the loneliest cos guys are too scared to talk to them. You can end up with some good friends if you’re relaxed and confident. You say you ain’t like that now? Well, just like MA: practice makes perfect

Anyway. That’s probably the beer after training talking and I’ll regret this post tomorrow.

Squerlli, sorry about your bird mate. Sucks.

Take her to the movies: Step one- buy a moderstely to large sized popcorn (she’ll be impressed you sprung for the large size) Step two- when she’s not looking cut a hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag/tub Step three-I should have to say no more.

Seriously, jumping from one relationship to another is bad, it’s often a sign of insecurity. If you haven’t been single your adult life you need to get to know your self better without the influence of another person. I think this goes for men and women.

I recommend finding a bar with older upperclass women (mid to late 30s anything over 40 better be something to write home about), keep your standards in mind and avoid the scallywags.

To find one to date you need to be in situations where there are lots of women around and as few men as possible. This works great especially if you’re not as comfortable with women. If by default you’re the only guy around and you’re not a wierdo the women will start competing for your attention, this is often interesting and a learning expierence.

All women care about is attention, if they have your attention they’re happy even if they don’t want you nuts. This is a step in the right direction. Get women talking about themselves without being obvious about it and they’ll love you.

My work here is done!
PS> always jerk off before the date.

  1. Ask her on a date
  2. Don’t be a faggot

do you clowns seriously put more thought into it than this?



I’m a visual person, so expect pictures.

I’m also a young divorcee who was unleashed on the brutal world of dating in my late 20s…and man, is it a learning experience. I’m the kind of guy that kicks ass in relationships (duh, I got a chick to marry me), but tends to suck when it comes to playing the dating game. I’m no Neill Strauss, but here are some tips from a guy who started from the ground up…and has done pretty well.

Make yourself Date-able

-Stop assuming that a good looking woman should like you the way you are. That’s a bullshit thought process…a thought process shared by women with low self-esteem.

Are you a woman with low self-esteem? Of course not…so go fix yourself!

  1. Appearance
    -Be the guy women want to look at. If you’re overweight, lose it. If you’re underweight, PM Emevas and hit the gym. Sporting a mullet? Lay down some cash and let a GOOD stylist create a cut for you. Dress like a hobo? Splurge and purchase some clothes that are in-style, fit your body type, and work with whatever “angle” that works for you.

DO NOT be the guy who wears “that shirt his ex bought him”, a pair of ratty “house jeans”, and “comfortable shoes” when out with women. Find a “look” that appeals to you, and invest in some clothing that works.

If you look good, you’ll feel good. If you feel good, you’ll act confident.


Me before:

(Pretty sad, I know)

Me after:

(Lost the stache, got a haircut)

  1. Career
    -This is easy. Get your shit together, and prioritize your career. Women will come later.

  2. Lifestyle
    -This is HUGE, and has been mentioned before. Do not be a “Girlfriend Guy”…the guy who has NO life until a woman enters the scene. You’re single now…invest in some friends! Ask your coworkers out for some drinks. Play poker with the neighbors. Watch the UFC at a bar with some training buddies. Make an effort, and you WILL get friends.

Also, get a fucking hobby for crying out loud. Do something interesting…something that will occupy your time in between women…something you can talk about.

Example: I broke my shins in the Marines 8 years ago, and have not been able to run. 3 doctors, 4 physical therapists, and an acupuncturist couldn’t do shit. Last year I finally said fuck it, trained my ass off, and ran a half-marathon.

Did I win? Fuck no! But I finished…and it makes a great story. Now I run 1-3 times a week.

Now that your pregame is done, it’s time to get your head straight and talk to women!

  1. Be Confident
    -There’s a fine line between cocky and confident…and the wrong type of woman likes cocky. Instead, work for a calm, assured, quiet confidence. Don’t brag…state an accomplishment without ego. Don’t strut…walk slowly. Don’t swagger…relax and move carefully.

Confidence isn’t about expressing your worth…it’s about quietly KNOWING your worth. This will eventually become natural…but in the meantime, when in doubt BE QUIET.

Confidence is also about acting assertively and without fear…or at least without showing fear. There’s a fine line between assertiveness and pushiness, and unfortunately only experience will define that. A good rule of thumb is this: Don’t do it if you’re hesitant…and don’t hesitate if you’re going to do it.

Women love confidence.

  1. Be Fun
    -Some people are naturally funny, others aren’t. I’m not. I have a weird sense of humor that few women get, and I often feel uncomfortable after making stupid comments. So how can I be fun when I’m naturally lacking in the humor department?

I stopped taking myself seriously.

Yup, that’s me humping a modern art sculpture.

Stop worrying about whether you’re doing everything right…because you aren’t. Stop worrying about impressing her…because you aren’t. Instead, just relax, stop taking yourself seriously, and have a good time.

  1. Be a Listener
    -This is huge. Ask questions, then listen to her response to generate more questions. Pay attention, and phrase questions that force her to elaborate. On occasion, add a comment or a personal story that shows you empathize with her view…then turn it around and continue to listen.

Women love listeners, so be one. Don’t space out and stare at her boobs…pay attention, and take mental notes.

  1. Be Independent
    -As mentioned before, desperation kills. Neediness kills. You want to demonstrate that you’re interested…but that you’ll be fine if she isn’t. Be secure in your own bubble.

Here’s a fun clip from “Hitch”…just ignore the ads:
YouTube - Hitch Pickup Artist with pua commentary

I’m not talking about playing “Hard to Get”, or falling into head games. I’m talking about GENUINELY not caring if the date works out or not. Don’t attach to the outcome, and don’t go in having any expectations. You’re there to meet someone new, and see if SHE is interesting to YOU.

The less you focus on “Dating”, the more fun you’ll have on “Dates”…and the fewer “Dates” you’ll actually have. For the longest time I never went on “Dates”…I met women for coffee, had lunch, met for drinks, etc. However, I never presented it like a “Date”. Instead, I just focused on having a good time, meeting new people, and experiencing something new.

As a fellow young divorcee, I feel for you. It’s hard, and the relationship game is a whole new world compared to the dating game. Just give it some time, cut yourself some slack, and things will work out.

Best of luck to you.

divorced as well. here are my suggestions

always call the next day after a first date. always.
it does 2 things very quickly. first it lets her know you are interested. second it lets you secure another date before someone else does. i have had much success with this, and most women i’ve dated commented on how nice it was that i called them so soon instead of being a typical macho guy.

never ever let a woman pay for shit on a first or second date. if she offeres, tell her that you really don’t mind paying and it’s not that big of a deal. let her draw her own conclusions to this.

don’t expect to get laid for at least a month. it may happen a lot sooner, but the more you expect it, the less it will happen. don’t bring a rubber with you to her house if you havent had sex yet. if you have to cool the jets one night because nobody has a jimmy hat, that’s ok. many guys have been shot down by pulling a rubber out of their pocket at a girls house and the girl thinking the guy thought she was easy.

be yourself. girls know when you’re faking it. a girl who doesn’t mind you putting on an act isn’t a girl you want to be with.

meet women doing stuff you like to do. bars suck. they are a meat market for one night stands and fake phone numbers. i have met more women working out at the gym or playing frisbee golf in the park than any other way.

throw game plans out the window. just make sure you leave her wanting more time with you. it works for stage magicians and hookers, so there must be something to it.

you’re in your mid twenties and divorced? go for girls that are late twenties-early thirties. they are better in bed, more settled down, and more likely to understand how shit just goes wrong as opposed to a younger woman.

did i mention be yourself? yeah, that deserves another mention. if she likes you, and is laughing with you, while you are being your normal self, then you are golden. this is the most important thing to remember while dating. even if a pick up artist act works in the beginning or your false persona holds water for a few weeks, you won’t be able to keep it up.

when you seriously think you are ready to date again, wait another two months. then you’ll probably be ready. you want to attract the right people. girls that like fixer upper guys are bunny boilers in disguise.

oh, and having a “soothing release” before dates does help with nerves.

Be yourself. Unless you are totally retarded there’s always a market for your type. And even then there might be one.

BTW. Being yourself doesn’t mean that you won’t act good on a date and try to present the best sides of your personality and life. That’s normal and expected. Just don’t go out of your way to lie, twist around facts and play games. That shit always fails in the long run. If you’re not the slick type then just don’t bother unless you want to train for a shitload first. Otherwise it will always come off as fake and unimpressive.

Then again, I’m a married guy who has dated only a couple of women. What the fuck do I know?

Dear fucking god married life must be miserable.

Only if your particular marriage is crappy.

First ten minutes or so are OK.

Q. What’s the number one food to put women off sex?
A. Wedding cake

why the fuck did you guys all get married at 20?