The Conservative Analysis...

Originally posted by miguksaram
How I wish your parents would have used the one they were given.

Aren’t you the goofy looking white dude? I shudder to imagine what your parents must look like.

Having trouble with the women miguksaram? (Laughs) ->

miguksaram the stylist

miguksaram the ‘’ internet stud…

By the way, don’t bother denying that’s you miguksaram, I’ve seen your photo close up and it’s too much of a coincidence you both look alike and share the exact same internet screen name. It doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together you lameo.

[i]Profile for miguksaram
Age: 31
Category: men
Marital: Undisclosed
About Me:
tall, crazy, artistic, childish

Photo Rating: 5


Welcome to, a great place to meet, have fun and vote on hot pictures. Vote on photos of other guys and girls, contact other members, and submit your photo.[/i]

If it were up to me, I’d give you a 0. A 5 rating is a bit too high, must’ve voted for yourself. Am I right? :smiley:

even I, who you said you would maim, am getting worried about you…


and are you still too neurotic to want to get together and have a beer? Your choice, Murphy’s Bar & Grill, Hanks Cafe Honolulu, Smith’s Union Bar, . T J’s Sports Bar & Grill, Ferguson’s Irish Pub, Hana Hou Lounge, Leilani Lounge, Club Rising Tide Hawaii, Mahina Lounge, and if you like girls, Club Femme Nu. Or if you like boys, Hula’s. I’m open. I like the House with No Key at the Halekulani myself, listen to some hapa haole Hawaiian trad and suck down a few mai tais and Blue Hawaiis and a Lanikai and some more good rum drinks, and then spar!

Originally posted by patfromlogan
even I, who you said you would maim, am getting worried about you…

Pat, what gets me is why miguksaram won’t date Jkdchick. Either she’s not his type or she’s so butt ugly miguksaram would rather die or place these silly internet personal ads.

It could be you and me, sipping good drinks, watching the sun set, as the gals hula and the boyz play…

Well, to tell the truth, I don’t mix booze with martial arts myself. So I drink and you are the designated driver and body guard. Those clubs up Lewers have some tough clientels.

I know because one night at 3 am I went down to shut up the drunks who were making noise and keeping me awake and lo and fucking behold there were about 30 of them and one guy looked just like Akibono. So I chatted with the cop who was watching, mentioned I worked out with a cop in Kailua (Unl. Kempo- Buell’s org < Kajukenbo) who is really good and when the cop suggested I back him up I said thanks a lot, goodnight, have fun…

Originally posted by patfromlogan
I know because one night at 3 am I went down to shut up the drunks who were making noise and lo and fucking behold there were about 30 of them and one guy looked just like Akibono. So I chatted with the cop who was watching,

The cop was the smart one.

mentioned I worked out with a cop in Kailua (Un. Kempo- Buell’s org <

Hmmm, don’t like Kailua due to the fact it rains too much, as does Manoa. However, the H-3 does make it convenient to go from Pearl City to the Windward, rather than go all the way into town just to get on the Pali.

Originally posted by PizDoff

Nope, just pointing out the facts Jack.

Originally posted by patfromlogan
It could be you and me, sipping good drinks, watching the sun set, as the gals hula and the boyz play…

I do that already, why do I need you?

Sorry, I couldn’t resist. :smiley:

Originally posted by Kungfoolss
Hmmm, don’t like Kailua due to the fact it rains too much, as does Manoa.

Come to think of it, I can’t stand Mililani mauka either. Seems like it rains every freaking day there.

Tomorrow I’m making all this Miguk crap into a separate thread, which I think is appropriate given that I’m head of the “Operation Give Miguk A Wedgie In Front of His Son” task force. And I’m going to try to make fun of it in some fashion, maybe add snide comments to his heartfelt poems. And no matter what I say or do, I will fail, because the English language does not yet have words to describe the awesome might of Miguk’s cataclysmic social failure.
No my friends, try as I might, this job is not for me. It was never intended for someone like me, but fate has a funny way of thrusting circumstance into your hands. You got a butcher, but you should have sent a poet.

Originally posted by Boyd
Tomorrow I’m making all this Miguk crap into a separate thread, which I think is appropriate given that I’m head of the “Operation Give Miguk A Wedgie In Front of His Son” task force. And I’m going to try to make fun of it in some fashion, maybe add snide comments to his heartfelt poems. And no matter what I say or do, I will fail, because the English language does not yet have words to describe the awesome might of Miguk’s cataclysmic social failure.
No my friends, try as I might, this job is not for me. It was never intended for someone like me, but fate has a funny way of thrusting circumstance into your hands. You got a butcher, but you should have sent a poet.

By the Gods, you are a cruel bastard aren’t you? :smiley:

Boyd, you want to know the most creepy part is, I have absolutely no idea how many forums miguksaram may have posted his “I’m so lonely and need women” cry for help.

Someone better notify Shaolinwolf folks. (Smirks)

Originally posted by Boyd
Tomorrow I’m making all this Miguk crap into a separate thread, which I think is appropriate given that I’m head of the “Operation Give Miguk A Wedgie In Front of His Son” task force. And I’m going to try to make fun of it in some fashion, maybe add snide comments to his heartfelt poems. And no matter what I say or do, I will fail, because the English language does not yet have words to describe the awesome might of Miguk’s cataclysmic social failure.
No my friends, try as I might, this job is not for me. It was never intended for someone like me, but fate has a funny way of thrusting circumstance into your hands. You got a butcher, but you should have sent a poet.

“Boyd, you better quit it or I’ll kick your behind! Grrr! By the way, how you”

That’s the amazing thing! Last time we spoke, I left him in tears when I accused him of leasing his Asian wife to color-coordinate herwith the Oriental rug and rubber katana in his basement. He vanishes from here a couple months and suddenly pops up frantically informing strangers that he’s a generous lover (hint hint, ladies!) and by the way do you mind if I tape your eyelids back.

Think about the ramifications of that. Someone married Miguk knowing full well her life partner looked like Egon Spangler, minus the muscle tone. She married Miguk knowing he’d pester her with questions about how to hold chopsticks and if she would show him some of that karate shit. Yet she managed to still wed him knowing all this, and he managed to fuck up so colossally that even her infinite patience was shattered.

Well, okay, maybe she just got her citizenship.

Originally posted by Boyd
That’s the amazing thing! Last time we spoke, I left him in tears when I accused him of leasing his Asian wife to color-coordinate herwith the Oriental rug and rubber katana in his basement. He vanishes from here a couple months and suddenly pops up frantically informing strangers that he’s a generous lover (hint hint, ladies!) and by the way do you mind if I tape your eyelids back.

Think about the ramifications of that. Someone married Miguk knowing full well her life partner looked like Egon Spangler, minus the muscle tone. She married Miguk knowing he’d pester her with questions about how to hold chopsticks and if she would show him some of that karate shit. Yet she managed to still wed him knowing all this, and he managed to fuck up so colossally that even her infinite patience was shattered.

Well, okay, maybe she just got her citizenship.

Yes, someone just informed me via PM that you had a falling out with miguksaram. How would you feel if YOU were responsible for his break up!?!?

Shame on you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Folks, Folks. Remember, this is a serious thread and not meant to demean a revered Bullshido staffer, miguksaram. I’m not here to make personal attacks like miguksaram, but you have to admit, it never would’ve happened if miguksaram had been civil.

miguksaram, all I can say is…