[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2761059]Lies, various stupid and ignorant claims, vague bragging about qualifications that turned out in other threads to be a Master’s degree in Computer Science, which makes ME, PWINCESS WABBIT, QWEEN OF AWW KNOWWEDGE! Various attempts to avoid the fact that I am so ignorant that I think reflectance has to do with how well something would work as a reflector.
Go ahead and claim the title “Resident Brainiac” on the website, sweetcheeks. You have a mental age of about 5.
Neither of us has any academic qualification relevant to current astrophysics, you stooge. Your academic training is about as relevant to asteroids as a certificate in VCR repair would be. If you had any relevant qualification, I’m sure Cullion would have heard all about it.
I just think it’s funny that you pretend to be Mr. Science and try to lord your wisdom about science over others, but in doing so you make elementary mistakes that show that you don’t know the difference between reflectivity, reflectance, and albedo. I’m not an expert on recent astrophysics or optics, but I know enough to tell that you were talking out your ass (as did doofaloofa; albedo is related to reflecting light in the relevant sense).
BTW, poser and poseur are different (though related) terms, you semi-literate dumbfuck. The term popular on the internet and with people under 30 is “poser.” You don’t rate “poseur,” Pwincess.
Anyway, as is becoming the tradition, I now leave the litter box to you. Offer whatever other fantasies and lies you want. I’m not going to return to this fine thread. You can have the last word as well as the first.
In fact, since you never respond to the content of my posts, and I have grown bored with your pseudo-modding and your thread-derailing whining, I have concluded that you have nothing of interest to say to me and you are ineducable. I leave you with one final