as a ninjutsu student the bujinkan has became the laughing stock of the art…hatsumi has lost all control of his system and now is just a clown there are places that state factual info about hayes not being the first american in the bujinkan takamatsu never was a soke in kuki shinden ryu there are only 5-6 arts that the bujinkan should actually be teaching real ninjutsu training is available and the bujinkan started out ok but now its in shambles…as the dawn of jinichi kawakama approaches as he as already called out the bujinkan he has not made one single comeback for there great reputation is a shame…they pass people and give away belts if you know someone or have $$$ how do you pass the godan if the sword hits you on the shoulder? bullshindo folks…yea i studied it in the 80s before they watered it down or whatever they are making claims to do there are still good bujinkan teachers out there but most of them have left or are leaving for the real ninjutsu arts that are available in japan by other teachers…dont challenenge me google it your damn self and for you that think ninjutsu is fake or dont work wait til you run into a black belt that has actually earned it better make sure your insurance is good…last mma fighter i seen challenge a good ninjutsu artist endded up ugly mma guy tried to take down ninja guy went to sprawl and ninja just ruined him before they gpt to the ground however mma guy was strong still took ninja guy down but got his arm broke trying to set up for the gnp the ninja rolled his ass over using some pretty dirty stuff and broke his arm rolled away and that was that…ive seen a good mma guy wipe the floor with so called ninjas hahaha we all have ufc what 2 or 3? well hate to tell ya robert bussey never was a true ninja warrior nor is schools worth a crap other than self defence and weapons now with weapons its different story … but there are some legit arts that teach ninjutsu i would be very wary of…what do i study? haha thing about real ninjas they would never ever tell ya what style they studied only retards from ashida kims school would do that or the weak bujikuns left…be careful what some of you guys wish for true ninja still own the night fellas. every thing i said can be backed up even if u look hard enough on the inter net this info is availble…shut up and train…ninpo ikkan:ninjafigh
Paragraphs… please
shut the fuck up, you fucking idiot.
Wall of text iz unreadable!
another ninja thread.
I like how the rifle (.50 caliber?) on the floor is aimed at him as he’s lying there.
One time I was training but you don’t know you just don’t know you lazy bastard because the real training is not like training for real was check it out yourself chicken asses like I don’t believe the sword hit him on the shoulder and stuff but didn’t I think like that before until you looked closer and see the real old times were before now and it’s different $$$ and then %%% until now?
This is the Bujinkan sub-forum, please all your gripes about it there.
[quote=doomed1;2133537]as a ninjutsu student the bujinkan has became the laughing stock of the art…hatsumi has lost all control of his system and now is just a clown there are places that state factual info about hayes not being the first american in the bujinkan takamatsu never was a soke in kuki shinden ryu there are only 5-6 arts that the bujinkan should actually be teaching real ninjutsu training is available and the bujinkan started out ok but now its in shambles…
as the dawn of jinichi kawakama approaches as he as already called out the bujinkan he has not made one single comeback for there great reputation is a shame…they pass people and give away belts if you know someone or have $$$ how do you pass the godan if the sword hits you on the shoulder? bullshindo folks…
yea i studied it in the 80s before they watered it down or whatever they are making claims to do there are still good bujinkan teachers out there but most of them have left or are leaving for the real ninjutsu arts that are available in japan by other teachers…dont challenenge me google it your damn self and for you that think ninjutsu is fake or dont work wait til you run into a black belt that has actually earned it better make sure your insurance is good…
last mma fighter i seen challenge a good ninjutsu artist endded up ugly mma guy tried to take down ninja guy went to sprawl and ninja just ruined him before they gpt to the ground however mma guy was strong still took ninja guy down but got his arm broke trying to set up for the gnp the ninja rolled his ass over using some pretty dirty stuff and broke his arm rolled away and that was that…
ive seen a good mma guy wipe the floor with so called ninjas hahaha we all have ufc what 2 or 3? well hate to tell ya robert bussey never was a true ninja warrior nor is schools worth a crap other than self defence and weapons now with weapons its different story …
but there are some legit arts that teach ninjutsu i would be very wary of…what do i study? haha thing about real ninjas they would never ever tell ya what style they studied only retards from ashida kims school would do that or the weak bujikuns left…
be careful what some of you guys wish for true ninja still own the night fellas. every thing i said can be backed up even if u look hard enough on the inter net this info is availble…shut up and train…ninpo ikkan:ninjafigh[/quote]
I did my best to paragraph it. Whenever he used “…” It seems like he was making another point.
From what I could discern, he starts out by saying Hatsumi is a fake, and that Jinichi Kawakama (the only thing that came up on a google search was a thread on bullshido that I’ve linked at the bottom) and that he is going to be the next great Ninja master.
A little later he makes mention of how he knew a “mma fighter” who got his ass handed to him in a fight with a real ninja master. I would like to know more about this.
He then says that we’ve all seen how “so called ninjas” get beaten in the ring (he mentions UFC 2 or 3.)
Opened thraed. Almost threw up upon seeing large wall of text sans grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Curiosity got the better of me. Head exploded after the 2nd sentence. (sentanse!)
Not pleased.
Whom do I direct the lawsuit at for this thread-induced Explosive Head Explosion Syndrome and all associated pain and suffering?
[quote=Whacker;2133661]Opened thraed. Almost threw up upon seeing large wall of text sans grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Curiosity got the better of me. Head exploded after the 2nd sentence. (sentanse!)
Not pleased.
Whom do I direct the lawsuit at for this thread-induced Explosive Head Explosion Syndrome and all associated pain and suffering?[/quote]
It could be worse. Think Praise Moves with Bruce Downey.
YouTube - Ninja style in disco
Yes, apparently they still do.
This thread hasn’t been Trollshido’d yet?
Here, have a picture of Anson Williams
Could someone please tell me what’s he said in a single digestible sentence please?
It pretty much boils down to “I’m a fucking retard who wants some attention”
"Me real ninja, don’t like other ninja, other ninja not real like me. "
“Hatsumi is a fake, my ninjutsu is superior, in fact my ninjutsu can beat mma fighters in anecdotal fights while booj guys lose in the ufcs.”
[quote=Monsieur;2133688]YouTube - Ninja style in disco
Yes, apparently they still do.[/quote]
This vid actually made me want to declare jihad on Hatsumi.
This shit needs to end.