The blind leading the blind...

Here is a picture perfect example of the inherent problem with Bullshido…

"Many years ago (1969 in fact), I was at a Wrestling Competition (as a
spectator), at the ‘Parochial Hall’ in Bolton, Lancashire. One of the
bouts was to be in Lancashire Catch Style… About 10 minutes into it,
I saw what I thought was a superb counter move by one of the
wrestlers, and I clapped loudly. However, in the audience of about
200. only SIX other people applauded this move …And we all looked at
each other and nodded… Speaking to one of those who had clapped,
after the evening ended, it turned out the he also had done some
Lancashire Catch, and had seen the move.

What this slight aside is meant to illustrate, is like a lot of the
older styles, it is NOT a very good spectator sport, and needed someone
who had actually done a little to both recognise and appreciate the


despite this, you(you being the collective brain fart that came up with this rationale), in your infinite wisdom decide that there is no difference between methods and relegate everything to ‘technique’.

that fucking word doesnt even mean anything! it is so damn subjective no one can give a clear definition, except to vomit shit out of the dictionary,… and btw, that would be the first clue that they dont know what it means.

you people must be some of the most advanced martial artists on the planet, to be able to go beyond all systems like that. I am amazed at your insight in the martial arts…true innovators. you all must be fucking genuises to boot…

you ain’t reinventing the wheel, no matter how much you think you are.

fucking cretins dont even know the fundamentals, and you want to scrap the systems.

what? BAJI=Boxing=Hsing Yi=Hung Gar=Baguachang=Thai Boxing…c’mon, you cant be serious. dont you guys know anything?

boy, that is one hell of a command decision.

I agree whole heartedly that with the lack of maturity exhibited by those who can’t see past their own little style, that if we are to negate the term TMA from the boards, then negate all terms and just discuss the arts at will. No TMA, CMA, MMA, nothing. No way one is better than the other. There is not one person on this site that can say that my style is not able to defeat your style until you come defeat me. And of course the inverse holds true as well.

I get so sick of who owns who and what owns what. It is utter BS and will only have truth in a one on one basis, never a whole style defeats another because some numbnutz says it does. Smack’s of incredible immaturity and chest pounding.

And just because we are on the subject, unless it is kidding on the part of many members who constantly purport to tell us how tough they are. BS again. If your that tough you are not announcing it, and if you are announcing it, I say you have not proven anthing because you have not shown up at my door, and it is an open door at all times.


Come on now, who stole kuntao’s medication ?


You see my point. Will there be a equivalent censoring or wholesale dismissal of terms like boxing, wrestling, vale tudo, pankration, and Mixed Martial Arts.

btw, what is a mixed martial art anyways? what is it mixed?

there are many martial SYSTEMS.



I have some experience in OKINAWAN and CHINESE systems.

there are all different, and distinct. They are not the same.

Do i blend them together? YES.

Are they ONE system or method? NO! and if i dont keep the differences straight, then i have problems. trying to conceptually eliminate well established categorical differences is not going to be a productive paradigm shift imo.

I dont even understand the rationale behind this.

the message this really sends is that TMA is not worthy of consideration.




actually, that was pretty funny.

but i am serious.

MMA is a venue. All the tma crowd has to do is show up and win and theyll have their respect. What we see though, is a group of people who dress in flashy clothes and strut like pimps, but just beat their dicks all day. How can an organization of pimps be filled with virgins? And then they criticize real pimps for fucking with a condom on.

ok, i gotta be honest, that is a damn fine analogy.

How can an organization of pimps be filled with virgins? And then they criticize real pimps for fucking with a condom on.

All MMArts should now only be referred to as ‘pimps fucking with a condom on’ or PFWACO.

Or you could just use punks.

You could be ‘Super PFWACO’

“ok, i gotta be honest, that is a damn fine analogy.”

Yes, it fucking kicked ass.

I don’t get what the big deal is. This might presage an elimination of the utterly false categories that are already confusing the entire discussion. There is no “TMA”. There is no “MMA”.


Strategies, Tactics, and Tools vary widely. Some things just dont mix.

and they are definately not all same or equal.

What do you propose as identification in lieu of TMA/MMA?

‘Techniques’ just doesnt cut it.

no one has even mentioned Principles in this whole matter…

another problem lies in my timing,… the problem has yet to become a problem. so therefore, no one sees the problem.

d’ya ever read the Foundation trilogy?


I just thought a “Technical Discussion” could be good. That doesn’t imply confining yourself to “techniques”.

Yet you ignored my suggestion for a ‘Ask FingerorMoon?’ forum.

This whole TMA thing is a fucking joke. Theres NO bias in martial arts against traditional arts whatsoever. Otherwise, how do you explain muay thai, wrestling, kyoukoshin and judo? The bias is against dumb motherfuckers who sit on the sidelines and think that because they talk a good game and tell entertaining stories that they should be respected as awesome fighters. Then when someone points this out they try to claim that they werent really claiming to be badass at all since their art isnt about fighting. Its about peace and love now. Thats bullshit. Shut the fuck up and fight and youll have all the respect that you could ever want.

“btw, what is a mixed martial art anyways? what is it mixed?”

Maybe the word should be eclectic.

Or perhaps mouthy martial artist.

btw, what is a mixed martial art anyways? what is it mixed?

It’s a mixture of stand up and ground fighting, striking and grappling, that is known to work and be effective in a one on one unarmed confrontation. Through the trial and error of ring fighting, that has been found to be a combination of boxing, wrestling, Muay Thai and BJJ (with a few exceptions).


Originally posted by Osiris
MMA is a venue.

Yes but the venue has become known as a system. With the dawning of UFC came the MMA competition. Meaning different arts competing against each other. They used to annouce it as Ninjitsu vs. Thai boxing or Sumo vs Kenpo. Ok…so now we fast forward, to where people started to realize that their art is not the end all be all art. They started cross training (wow there’s cool concept). They start mixing their “TMA” with other arts mostly grappling if they were strickers or stricking if they were grapplers. (except for the hard core stick in the ass TMA’s who swore up and down that they already had that in their system, but somehow forgot to mention it in all their documenation through out the centuries).

As a result the term MMA has become much like the term Xerox. It was meant as a description for one item but has since been turned into a generic term. So now people practice a MMA system or a TMA system (because lord knows we needed to segregate the arts a bit more).