[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2970207]You guess a lot. It’s your worst quality, imho. I hate guessing, I’m a big believing in grounded theory and value-based axiology, especially when discussing security theory.
No shit security costs money. In the corporate world, it’s measure in ROI. In the public school realm, it’s even simpler math. It’s still not a false comparison (I’d like to see your logic as to what makes it “false” other than you personally don’t believe it…people like me have higher standards for claiming something is “false” as you’re learning).
We’re not talking about the relative costs because that’s a stupid, pedantic, off topic argument. It’s affordable with sufficient funding, period. We’re talking about the effectiveness of the systems, which are not nearly as expensive as you make it out, and of course you’re ignoring that the real comparison I made in that initial post was between things like sports programs, tech gadgets, and security.
Red herring arguments about private sector profits vs. public safety in schools…you’re not advancing this discussion, you’re holding it back by with a really weak argument (which is why you keep peppering it, like a latke), with unrelated shit. [/QUOTE]
Cost isn’t unrelated. In fact you brought cost into in your first post where you started abusing the Yiddish language. Here let me quote you:
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2969896]Manual is always going to be slower. Lockdowns need to be automated as possible and the irony is this is automated locking mechanisms are 20th century technology. These schools are full of PCs and Chromebooks and fancy A/V, but their security is antique in most places. There are corporate campuses all over America that can lock or unlock a hundred doors simultaneously in response to a threat, and that’s not including bulwarks and windows and all sorts of other stuff you’re probably familiar with. So we’ll budget that to protect suits and profits, but not the kindela.[/QUOTE]
Bold for emphasis mine. I’ve pointed out numerous times that “we” as in “we the people” don’t in fact budget for corporate security. Corporate Boardrooms do that usually based on complex algorithms of cost vs loss and benefit vs risk. Ask Submessenger as he did it for the great orange beast once upon a time. So yes it is a false comparison. Without any guessing at all involved they are very different types of entities. Public schools are not profit making entities whereas corporations are. They face different types of threats. They have different insurance requirements. They have different budgetary restraints.
In case you haven’t figured it out the US as a whole isn’t overly invested in its educational system. The US for all its considerable wealth never ranks within the top 10 nations for education and rarely even within the top 20. Education simply isn’t a priority, it is an underfunded institution that bleeds money at best. So yes comparing what “we’ll budget” as far as corporations are concerned versus what “we’ll budget” as far as public educational institutions are concerned is simply a bad comparison. There is no guessing there.
Simply put Americans are unwilling to invest in public education. That goes from quality to security. Second to that, as much as these mass casualty events are a tragedy, they are not a sufficient threat to warrant spending considerable portions of an already stretched budget on security improvements. When researchers from North Eastern University are claiming that schools are safer now than they were in the 90’s and that there have only been 8 mass shootings in public schools since Columbine in 1996.
Since 1996, there have been 16 multiple victim shootings in schools, or incidents involving 4 or more victims and at least 2 deaths by firearms, excluding the assailant.
Of these, 8 are mass shootings, or incidents involving 4 or more deaths, excluding the assailant.
That is out of 98,271 public schools over the last twenty two years
So not only do you want to compare the budget(your words see above) of a corporation to that of a public school, you want to burden the budget of a public school to account for a very rare threat. So yeah make your case.
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2970207]You’re claiming my 80+ year Jewish grandma is wrong? Dude I don’t even have the chutzpah to tell her Fox and Breitbart are wrong.
I’m going to ask her to record an audio segment that will make you look like a moron, if you persist in trying to correct my trashy Jersey Gentile Yiddish learned from a Holocaust survivor. What are you going to do next, start correcting the local Italians that’s “mozarell” isn’t proper Italian and that “marinarrrrr” isn’t right, and it’s not gravy?
You know what they’ll tell you? Yeah…GFY.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=W. Rabbit;2970131]
Using kindela to describe children is something I learned from my wife’s holocaust surviving grandmother, whose husband was Sam Lehrer, so you should call her up and explain how her Yiddish is all wrong.
Well you don’t even seem to be certain as whose grandmother she is.
First you send me PMs threatening to “expose me as a fraud”. You make all kinds of accusations and assumptions about my faith and my qualifications as a Rabbi, both publicly and in PM. You PM me begging me to stop exposing your pseudo-Jewish BS. Look dude, you want nit pick everyone else for all their errors, but you act like a whiney little punk when other people do it to you. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it. Either harden up or shut up.
Now as to whether whomever’s 80yr old grandma is wrong. I’ve already linked one academic Yiddish dictionary, I am willing to link others. Yiddish is a language, it has words, grammar and rules which are recorded in dictionaries, grammars and lexicons. Now if the dictionaries, grammars and lexicons say that you are using the wrong word, I don’t care how many mumbling recordings you bring of old ladies you claim are holocaust survivors you are wrong. You can chose to be an idiot and die on this hill(never ceases to amaze me the hills people will chose to die on) and demonstrate your science and fact denial once again by arguing you or someone you know actually knows better than academic reference materials or you can just admit your mistake and move on. Somehow I think you might be just enough of a ego-maniacal narcissist to insist that that you know better… But I could be wrong.
Don’t know Italian, have no Italian dictionaries and don’t frankly care about Italian so I don’t really care whether the local Italians or you are using the language correctly. I’ll leave that to Mario Batali and Emeril.