The 38th Parallel

i am very sorry to say this but the more i posted(and received) replies, the more i felt that taekwondo is inferior to other martial arts,especially muay thai(or tomoi) and karate.every time i send a replies to save tkd from being flamed,the more flames i get.(like:tkd suck,tkd for amatuers,tkd is only a flashy,but harmless styles,tkd people are retarded,etc)
i really love taekwondo,weather it is WTF,ITF,GTF,or please help me to uphold the very fighting arts we love and enjoy.

p/s; i hope nobody will curse or flames me

Taekwondo, it is not so good. Why dont you try hitting things other than the air. Its aerobicise at best.

The response to the above two posts is most simply found at the end of my leg.

its not that TKD is a poor style its how its taught and the attitude of some practitioners that give it a bad rep . maverick is right in the fact that only ever hitting air is pointless to be a good fighter you have to pressure test your abilities .the fact is because TKD is well known unscrupolus people who have done a few seminars claim to be qualified then poorly train some gullable students who then have students of there own who are even worse untill you get the situation TKD is in today this process has already begun within other arts in the UK this is exactly what bullshido is here for to stop this shit before it spreads witch with TKD may be to late.

sorry maverick i meant lefty is right

Help you uphold? How do you want us to do that?

Also what is “combative tae kwon do”, it’s in your style field. What makes it “combative” and which association are you with.

Several people who post here are proponents of good TKD.

The thing that seperates good TKD from bad,

is using it in a sparring environment,

and teaching it as a set of attacks and responses in a physical environment.

Punching air won’t make you a better fighter.

Punching people of equal or greater ability/ size under the instructors tutilage will.

TKD is not inherently bad, but unfortunately far too many places train it badly.

Find a School that teaches it correctly, and preferrably add a little ground game to round out your skill set, and you will end up with something sevicable

perfect example Coda Scott…It all boils down to how much people are willing to PAY. You can probably get much better training at a YMCA from a guy who doesnt make his living from teach verses a guy who will charge you an outrageous fee for each belt and never lets you spar with anyone so you can see how shitty your technique really is.

  • imaginary rep

Another serious issue with TKD is the general lack of punching. Though that might not be so bad in sparring and even MMA, in self-defense situations it is very serious indeed and without proper augmentation, whether in the TKD school or elsewhere, you could end up very very hurt.

Are there any top guys in Pride and UFC who use TKD as their striking base? No.

The kicks often lack power. There’s a lack of hand strikes, hand blocks that dont work. A lot of TKD people copy boxing for hand strikes and then have weak kicks compared to MT. I have a vid of a tournament where a TKD guy just gets consistently kicked off his feet by a MTer.

Here’s a link:

Then there’s the pointless forms in TKD that go on and on showing wide open movements with little applicability. However lose the forms, incorporate more diverse training methods, full contact sparring, have an open mind, do boxing hands and MT kicks, and oh yeah keep some stuff from TKD perhaps, and it would be better. The kicking training can be compatible with MT and KB kicking, at least I can say a positive. ie. TKD can develop leg speed and flexibility if not power. Which can be useful.

i have been put down a couple of times for training in tkd. When i find my self in that situation i ask them to sparr me and once rules are decided i do my best to represent tkd. I also began training in boxing and judo to make me a more effetive fighter.

You’re a fucking moron with no worth to this world.

You can’t criticise my argument. Doesn’t that make you the moron?

Watch the video mate. Your opinion is worthless just like everyone else’s. That’s why I debate on the issues. You have shown that you are unable to, and like a child you insult people whose opinion is based on incontravertible fact.

You have reflected poorly on your art, and will have no worth until you start acting like an adult.

You TKD apologists…

Oh its all been said before. Therefore its wrong? My god “you’re a fucking moron” to quote the mighty Mav.

It doesn’t make sense for you to attack me based upon what seems to be a consensus opinion around here. TKD IS INFERIOR!!! Not based upon just fighting skills but thanks to you and Mav, upon your inability to hold a rational argument

As for the second part (ie. the Challenge). Sounds like a typical BS internet challenge you wont even make it for yourself. There is no attempt to address any of my criticisms of TKD as not being as good at other striking arts. Of course I meant his comments showed he represented a dishonourable and disgraceful defense of TKD. You knew that.

You are just doing another personal attack on me for daring to state the majority Bullshido opinion. Hey hold a poll! Does TKD suck? Oh yeah, we did a month like that…


TKD can be effective as long as you have good live moderate to hard sparring. No point sparring though. Make it like a real fight. You’ll find out quick what techniques work for you in a hurry with good hard sparring.

Can you prove that statement?

Hey old man challenge me personally, don’t deal with my arguments and you fall into the same trap as your children friends. I said above “the striking component” of MMA is never TKD.

If you guys had a leg to stand on you would attack my argument and not me personally. BTW I’m an ex-boxer and am 6’3" in height and weigh just under 350 lbs. I’m also left handed.

Not that any of this matters. The truth is you cant argue against the obvious failings of TKD, You nutriders can’t defend TKD on its merits!

Heh, funny how you only quote part of my statement. Of course I’d fight you and have my coach tape me KO you on video. No problems, you come to me, PM me for details.

My point is TKD kicks lack power, prove me wrong with a video and while you’re at it show me how the traditional hands stuff doesn’t suck…

I already posted a video showing a high ranked TKDer getting his arse handed to him by a MTer at a tournament. How are you any better? You guys have shown no videos and no proof besides a lot of disrespect for anyone telling you apparently what you already know.

I think it shows a severe weakness of Bullshido that we had a whole month talking about how TKD sucks and you guys acknowledge my views are pretty mainstream around here, and yet I’m out here “on my own” against a bunch of nutriders thinking TKD is actual on par compared to boxing/kickboxing/Muay Thai.

Really I’m flogging a dead horse against a bunch of people who have paid thousands of $ to be left with piss weak kicks, crap punches, no crappling, poor defenses and zero footwork…

Their only counter to my arguments is to challenge me to “teh internet fight”, they dont want to discuss the issues.


I believe I quoted all of your statement. I was addressing it individually to make thing s simpler to follow. You sucks a the intrweb thingie.
I offered a mutual TD to attend. You say that TKD kicks lack power , I offered you a chance you prove it.

As for the KO thing…hahahahahahahahahahahaha…more bold tough guy internet bullshit. Its just a way for you to avoid my offer to counter your “points” about TKD’s ineffectivenss.

Ok here ya go.

What do you consider “traditional” hand stuff? A punch? Thats unique to boxong or MT? I use “hand stuff” in sparring.

A few points…

  1. We also had MMA sucks month too.

  2. Your uneducated thoughts are mainstream.

  3. We understand the inherent flaws in TKD, but all styles have flaws.

It seems that you are just trolling or have realized that you have no real knowledge of TKD.

I have asked you to list your cons of TKD, and I will happily discuss them with you. You have yet to do so.

Please feel free to answer the points I put in each post. I doubt you will.

Thanks for stopping by.

MMA sucks month was a joke! Didn’t you figure that out when Phrost said BTW that was for April fools?

I already did list my problems with TKD in my first posts. Why would you so deliberately show a lack of attention to detail? Are you the moron Mav spoke of?