TeNoKage is a hero... wot next?

As you may all know, Te No Kage has successfully purchased a blackbelt grade in “Vale Tudo” from Ashida Kim. And put up the money himself to boot. :new_termi

First up, let’s see the scans. They can be uploaded to www.tinypic.com for remote hosting…

When we’ve had a natter about what to do next… I can contact the editor at MMA Universe and tell him the good news.

I’m hoping that he’ll let us (Bullshido) draft the article along the lines of “How Ahida Kim sells blackbelts in MMA” and have the forum mentioned throughout the article.

If he buys it, we’ll need to enlist the help of whoever the most articulate writters are on Bullshido. Obviously not my strong point…

Any suggestions how we maximise this and minimise premature ejaculation of said news?


I put them up here in the BBC, sorry dude if you wanted to wait a bit

no worries mate.