Technique fora are not the place for YMAS posts

magic mittens, so you dont lose your gloves when you go out.
someone should invent a bubber-band suit that exercises the whole boddy

Excised from:

Please keep posts made in the technical fora productive and on topic. The training areas, or technique fora, are moderated for content.

[QUOTE=IHaveSeenFnords;2611503]magic mittens, so you dont lose your gloves when you go out.
someone should invent a bubber-band suit that exercises the whole boddy[/QUOTE]
Like the magic mittens idea
way ahead of you with rubber workout suit

Here I am after a realy hard workout

sexyand practical

the talc bill is a bit steep

[QUOTE=doofaloofa;2611755]the talc bill is a bit steep[/QUOTE]

I just pour lube into the suit, it turns it into an awesome full body massage/anti-crab suit.

You fucking N00bs need to get a life and stop posting in the shitfest threads.

So us n00bs cant post shit in trollshido?
That sucks Rock Ape. What is trollshido for if not for hard working guys like us to blow off some steam talking shit and trash?
No one gets hurt, every one has a laugh
If it pisses you off so much why not just close the threads
I protest!

[SIZE=3][I]“To sin by silence when one should protest makes cowards out of men”.


If you’re going to copy the quotation in my signature, at least have the fucking courtesy of accrediting Wheeler for being the person saying it.


Just making a point. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind

gonad chin

I was really gonna laugh my ass at this 2 years later but now I see that dan henderson is in that video WTF!!! WTF!!

Above post culled from:

LXIII, members are required to post informative and/or substantive comments in the technique forums. Your post meets neither of these criteria, hence it was moved to Trollshido, the garbage bin of Bullshido.

[QUOTE=jnp;2793687]Above post culled from:

LXIII, members are required to post informative and/or substantive comments in the technique forums. Your post meets neither of these criteria, hence it was moved to Trollshido, the garbage bin of Bullshido.[/QUOTE]

WOnt happen again, I found that thread in with the search function, i did not realize it was on the Technique forum

[QUOTE=Rock Ape;2611866]You fucking N00bs need to get a life and stop posting in the shitfest threads.[/QUOTE]

Now you done it. Y’all woke up the gimp.