Team Chip TKD

Do you mean the threads at the top that say “Don’t read this”?

those would be the ones.

So should I read them or not?

i dunnooo, that seems kinda gay. are you sure you want to do that?

Not really. I don’t think I’ll bother.

good idea. better not risk doing anything that’s even borderline gay. i don’t want you turning totally gay on us. that’d be pretty gay.

Very good point. However, there is no risk of me turning even mildly gay. I am immune to all but the gayest of gayness.

I fear no gay.

yeah dude, you’re totally macho man. you’re like, the opposite of gay. i’m awed by your inability to even barely exude any gayness.

Now you’re just being gay.

not reading the stickies is the gayest of gay

oh oh, please forgive me oh master of the ungay. i will do better in the future to remain as ungay as possible.

Seriously now, are you gay?

only for you. :sex:

You guys are gh3y.

I’m not gay. I hate gays.

Which makes you inherently gay. You’re not even comfortable in your masculinity.

What makes you say that?

The fact that you’re gh3y.

What’s “gh3y”?

You, der-ass-lander, are the biggest gay on the forum.

Shit stabber!


That’s pretty good, I’ll give you that.

No, the fact is that you’re an ignorant, racist, gay bashing dumb fuck.

That’s why you’re gh3y.