Te No Kage's CV

From what I gather you just buy it online. money = grade.

But just in case there is some request for a CV, here’s what I was thinking.

(Real=red, suggested = blue):
7th kyu Yoshukai Karate (World Yoshukai Karate Kobudo Organization)

7th kyu Yoshukai Karate (World Yoshukai Karate Kobudo Organization) -(no change)

1.5 years (untested) Atarashii Naginata (Scouthern California Naginata Federation)

1.5 years (untested) Atarashii Naginata (Scouthern California Naginata Federation) -(no change)

5th kyu Aikido (Aikido Schools of Ueshiba) been training on/off for 10 years, needless to say testing has not been a high priority

5th kyu Aikido (Aikido Schools of Ueshiba). Been training for 1.5 years.

7th kyu Judo (United States Judo Association)

9th kyu Judo (United States Judo Association)

What you want the black Belt in:

It has to be an MMA BB for maximum shock value in the MMA mag. It is also safe to say that Ashida Kim is not ‘qualified’ to grade people in MMA -at least not in the MMA world’s eyes. He has graded people in Aikido…

Maybe say what you do is 'mixed’ so you want it to say “Vale Tudo”, as in no limits (cough…)

Any thoughts, suggestions, ammendments?

that sounds good to me… is there any reason for downplaying my Judo experience? I don’t think there even is a 9th kyu in Judo. I think I could make a case for MMA/Vale Tudo since I’ve trained in several different styles. Realize that Ashida Kim did train in Judo, or so it’s believed.


I don’t s’pose the Judo grade makes much odds. The important thing is that we don’t want your CV sounding like you ought to (really) be a black belt and certainly not in MMA.

I don’t think we have to worry about that, what with the aikido experience and all :eusa_whis

I’m ready to do this thing when you are, preferably this weekend while I have free time away from work