Taijiquan, do yourself a huge favor right now, and just give up and go away.
You will not win anyone over.
At all.
Taijiquan, do yourself a huge favor right now, and just give up and go away.
You will not win anyone over.
At all.
Man, the Benny Hill theme song is just perfect for this thread.
Now all we need are half-nude Taiji chicks to chase around in circles.
Holy Fucking Shit this is funny…please Phrost…please consider the nude chicks to go along with the music at TaijiquanMan’s naked Tai Chi’er party
You don’t know jack shit about fighting OR physics. While I joined this site to fight bullshido, “it’s based on physics” bullshido is the kind that particularly boils my blood. More to follow when I get home if I can summon the patience to explain it to your dumb ass.
Just to let you know Djimbe beat like 5 grapplers at a time and can beat Asia apparently doing Chen style Tai Chi. Remember if you aren’t doing Chen style like Djimbe you’re not doing teh real Tai Chi.
BTW has anyone seen Djimbe around. He’s apparently good friends with Aesopian too.
My wife’s mum is doing Tai Chi.
I’ll be looking at her differently now…
(particularly after DerAuslander108’s post)
Idiot even managed to get himself banned from TMA.org for being a tool over there…guess he can’t play nice with anyone…
I would pay real money, not monopoly, to see Djimbe fight Asia.
I would pay even more to see the “look” on the gamefaqs forums when the video is posted there.
Shit like this drives me up a fucking wall.
Same as any art, depends how you use it, we can argue all day about whos Daddy is harder, but get nowhere, its a waste of energy. We all know no art or system is the best or we
d all be doing it, it depends on the individual doing it.
Sure thing, spanky.
Keep telling yourself that, I’m sure it helps you sleep at night.
It does for a while but then I wet the bed when I think of you.
Huh? I don’t get it.
Djimbe is the hero of GameFAQ’s, and Asia’s tooling him would shatter their dreams.
I googled him and this is what I found.
The large Jamaican Wing Chun practicioner who patronizes the GameFAQs Martial Arts board and the Idiot Free board. Looked up to as the Masta with the Powa. Has incredible knowledge of Martial Arts Schools/Dojo’s throughout America. Respected. Ph33red.
Hey Djimbe!
Question for Djimbe
Djimbe, I need help
Djimbe, is this a mcdojo?
Great job.
also compounded by the problem that around less than 1% of thier teachers really know what they are teaching from a combat prespective. They might know the motions, but can they use them. Even guys from my school with less than a year experience have pushed hands with tai chi guys of around 10 years, and they were impressed with the power and “lost”.
You need proof, next time you push hands in your class, don’t do it co-op, use some power, he won’t be able to do a damn thing.
Also a question, if your (tai chi) advantage comes from the pushing hands type of position, has your teacher taught you how to get a non-compliant opponent into that position from a distance “boxing stance”, and keep them there (at least till you can hit them or use a lock)?
While this is very true in a lot of cases, there are quite a few guys I can name where that is not the case at all. Erle Montaigue, nuff said. Stephen Watson, Willem “Uncle Bill” de Thouars, Don Miller, and the list goes on. Every one of those people are Taiji/Hsing-I/Bagua/Baji/Silat/Kung Fu artists of THE HIGHEST calibur. I could recount and explain a variety of experiences right now that are simply amazing, and in fact do disprove most of the negativity around internal arts, and simultaneously disprove a lot of the hype on BJJ… But why? I cannot show you because you were not there. And I only possess some of the skills I would be talking about, so even if I were meet with a skeptic in person, I would be unable to execute the most advanced of the techniques (No, I am not a novice. I am on my 10th year and have vigorously trained under many teachers in different parts of the US. Those teachers have trained in different parts of the world. Some have been to the Olympics for their art). But it wouldn’t matter anyway, because the same mind-set it takes to believe in a lot of “chi” nonsense, is the same one it takes to believe that BJJ is the best art on the planet, and can take any other style. Then the indiscriminate name-calling would start in and all my explanations and experiences would have been written out in vain.
Though I will say that for anyone that wishes to understand better, I simply view words like “chi,” “jing,” etc, as training specific terminology that do not have English equivelents. It can just be easier at times to comprehend something that has been tediously explained for thousands of years in a certain way, long before there were the physics and medicinal/physiological based terms we have. And because not everything in these arts has been fully studied, scientifically, for any extended period of time, not all things can be determined catagorically in a modern sense. However, all that is not very important here.
I regularly train with many, many people from and extremely varied source of disciplines. The one person in my group who is as skilled as I is a BJJ artist (We run the group, and are the most experienced. As a point of interest, I practice: Yang Taiji Chuan, Gao Bagua Zhang and Five Elements Hsing-I Chuan, as well as Aikido and Black Dragon Kung Fu, along with some Yamatani Juijitsu thrown in there). In spite of our differences in approaches, when he and I fight, it is a near stalemate every time between us. I consistently beat him as much as he does me, SO WE LEARN FROM EACH OTHER. And yeah, it’s full contact. We put on the Hapkido gloves and go to work on the mats en force.
As for the “don’t cooperate” statement on push-hands, I can disprove that myself in person. Some people have NO internal power and so cannot actually deal with the brute force in a correct way. Hence, some guy who thinks it is bullshit walks up, pushes really hard on an amateur push-hands player, and falls on his ass looking stupid. I’ve seen it a hundred times. I am not one of these people. Again though, that is a null point, isn’t it? Because this is all a pissing contest and I can’t prove it to you. I find that fact both frustrating and laughable on a site full of people claiming to debunk all the martial arts myths. You guys should be trying to learn from each other, keep an open mind on ANY technique, and do as you claim you all do and MIX the martial arts together. You’re all too busy trying to prove one person wrong over another, or one style over another to hardly learn shit. I KNOW that BJJ and GJJ are effective arts. I know that because I’m smart enough to look into it, and train with people that do it, and do it well. However, I KNOW that internal arts are more sophisticated and CAN back up some serious claims with enough practice and the right teacher… because I’m not stupid enough to be dismissive, and I actively went looking for people capable of performing these feats of skill in a COMBATIVE situation against ANY opponent at ANY time. Not just in demonstration, or only against their students, or in a specific stance, or people that practice a particular martial art.
On another note, I love the people that are so willing to apply some sort of “cult mentality” to internal arts practitioners, yet they don’t see the “herd mentality” they themselves have concerning BJJ and GJJ. Yeah guys, we get it. It’s on TV a lot. And yes, you too can be rolling around with some drunk redneck in a bar within 6 months.
I’m just tired of close-minded, ignorant people parading around in some guise, pretending they’re “skeptics,” when in actuality, they’ve already made their mind up. The credo of Bullshido should be about YOU, YOURSELF, actually doing some research and getting experience in AS MANY martial arts fields as possible, and of the highest order. Not just looking at a video online. Not just seeing one idiot that didn’t know what he was doing, and then making your mind up about an entire art across the board. It’s just bad all around. And you certainly couldn’t say you “proved” anything, because that’s certainly wouldn’t be a scientific way to go about it.