Sword fighting, and other fun activities

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3013707]No, I recognized that he took on an ambitious real estate project.[/QUOTE]


You are so cute sometimes! I bet Trump would let you spank him with a magazine with him on the cover!


You know … as long as you didn’t tell his wife and let him bareback you.


You are so cute sometimes! I bet Trump would let you spank him with a magazine with him on the cover!


You know … as long as you didn’t tell his wife and let him bareback you.[/QUOTE]

Am I the only person that thinks somebody is going to have to make gay bear Trump parody porn before this is all over?

Vladimir Putin and David Duke just giving Trump the business in a way that makes those leather bar scenes from Police Academy look tame.

I suspect it’s already been tried but there is no way in hell I’m going to go searching for it on the internet.


You are so cute sometimes! I bet Trump would let you spank him with a magazine with him on the cover!


You know … as long as you didn’t tell his wife and let him bareback you.[/QUOTE]
I am neither a Republican, nor someone who has unilateral support, nor unilateral condemnation of Trump.

So regarding your homophobic comment, that is your failing.

Regarding your attempt to provoke a response from me with your imagery of Donald Trump having anal sex with me,

I have had dozens of spinal taps where they pumped chemotherapy into my brain,

I have had so many bone marrow biopsies that my bone marrow biopsy shirt has begun disintegrating into threads, and yes although an Atheist, I always wore the same lucky shirt for the bone marrow biopsies when I was not in a hospital bed and gown.

I have endured procedures and medical violations so much worse than anal sex could be that your analogy makes me laugh.

I had my oncologist do things to me that I knew would change me permanently in ways that would cause strong men to quiver because I knew that the alternative was a wood box, and I had obligations to stay alive,

not because I wanted to, but because I was asked to.

If you think anal rape scares me, well, remind me to take you on a tour of an acute leukemia ward, or the progressive neurology ward, or the burn unit.

Because getting anally raped is trivial compared to what I have experienced, and worse, what I have seen done to others in manners that did not end quickly, but lasted months on end.

So, Monkey, if you find yourself anally raped, just rub some dirt on it, drink a whiskey, and get on with your life.

Shit happens.


Me… a dude who has had a boyfriend and fully explored life is homophobic…


Get the fuck outa here man.



[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3013716]I am neither a Republican, nor someone who has unilateral support, nor unilateral condemnation of Trump.

So regarding your homophobic comment, that is your failing.

Regarding your attempt to provoke a response from me with your imagery of Donald Trump having anal sex with me,

I have had dozens of spinal taps where they pumped chemotherapy into my brain,

I have had so many bone marrow biopsies that my bone marrow biopsy shirt began to disintegrate into threads, and yes although an Atheist, I always wore the same lucky shirt for the bone marrow biopsies when I was not in a hospital bed and gown.

I have endured procedures and medical violations so much worse than anal sex could be that your analogy makes me laugh.

I had my oncologist do things to me that I knew would change me permanently in ways that would cause strong men to quiver because I knew that the alternative was a wood box, and I had obligations to stay alive,

not because I wanted to, but because I was asked to.

If you think anal rape scares me, well, remind me to take you on a tour of an acute leukemia ward, or the progressive neurology ward, or the burn unit.

Because getting anally raped is trivial compared to what I have experienced, and worse, what I have seen done to others in manners that did not end quickly, but lasted months on end.

So, Monkey, if you find yourself anally raped, just rub some dirt on it, drink a whiskey, and get on with your life.

Shit happens.[/QUOTE]


Me… a dude who has had a boyfriend and fully explored life is homophobic…


Get the fuck outa here man.


You made the homophobic comment, rub some dirt on it, and own it.

There are as many, or possibly more, pleasure receptors in and around the anus as there are in “primary,” genitalia. The problem really comes around when you and a buddy go trespass a stable in the middle of the night, and after the horse has irreparably disemboweled you, your buddy drops you outside the ER and speeds off into infamy.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3013723]You made the homophobic comment, rub some dirt on it, and own it.[/QUOTE]

Sorry Bill your own bias is showing.

I was just saying Trump would like you to spank him with a magazine and bareback you.

Your interpretation and response is the homophobic reaction.

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;3013725]Sorry Bill your own bias is showing.

I was just saying Trump would like you to spank him with a magazine and bareback you.

Your interpretation and response is the homophobic reaction.[/QUOTE]
I am not a super model, and I have no pussy to grab.

I doubt that you thought for a second that I was Trump’s type.

You made a gay joke, because you thought it would offend me, but it did not, and all you did was make an offensive and stigmatizing comment at the expense of the homosexual community.

Keep digging if you want, but it is not my bias that shows.

Again Bill, you are showing your ignorance.

Again Bill, you are showing your ignorance.[/QUOTE]
I am certainly ignorant.

But I do not make homophobic remarks and then try to justify them by stating or claiming that I went through a homosexual experimentation or gay companion phase.

That would be you that did that.

Like seriously I am not even joking at this point.

I was insulting your idea of manhood not homosexuality, which is what you found offensive.

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;3013729]Like seriously I am not even joking at this point.

I was insulting your idea of manhood not homosexuality, which is what you found offensive.[/QUOTE]
You have no idea what my idea of “manhood” is.

And you did not offend me.

I actually like you, but also think that you are irrational about any topic relating to Trump.

Whereas, I am ambivalent about Trump personally, and ready to criticize or praise any stroke of his Presidential pen, depending on whether he strokes it in a way that I agree with or disagree with.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3013728]I am certainly ignorant.


Yes which is why your comment is so ridiculous and why your response is so funny.

In a sad way.

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;3013731]Yes which is why your comment is so ridiculous and why your response is so funny.

In a sad way.[/QUOTE]

You just described the human condition.

Which is why I am generally inclined to be forgiving of your foibles.

I am sure you have some reason, and your have good intentions, with your never ending anti-Trump rhetoric.

But, I worry that you distract from the issues themselves that a Congress, President, and SCOTUS are supposed to address,

by instead adopting what is essentially muckraking conversations that the political parties tend to adopt to keep the public going low,

and distracted from the larger issues, you know the laws, and law making process, and errors or good things in enforcing those laws, and the courts keeping the rule making and rule enforcing branches in check.

[QUOTE=submessenger;3013724]There are as many, or possibly more, pleasure receptors in and around the anus as there are in “primary,” genitalia. The problem really comes around when you and a buddy go trespass a stable in the middle of the night, and after the horse has irreparably disemboweled you, your buddy drops you outside the ER and speeds off into infamy.

Please stop. I’m sorry. I’m sorry a billion times over. I will never mention gay bear porno ever again.

Edit: By the way, Gig Harbor buys a LOT of weed. I guess that kind of goes without saying though.

[QUOTE=Dr. Gonzo;3013730]You have no idea what my idea of “manhood” is.

And you did not offend me.

I actually like you, but also think that you are irrational about any topic relating to Trump.

Whereas, I am ambivalent about Trump personally, and ready to criticize or praise any stroke of his Presidential pen, depending on whether he strokes it in a way that I agree with or disagree with.[/QUOTE]

I am sure you weren’t offended which is why you responded with hostility and tried to attack back and call me homophobic. Perfect logic… I say Trump wants to spank you with magazine with him on the cover and bareback you (completely innocent Stormy reference) and you go straight to homophobic.

… but who knows… maybe you are a closeted bottom (you are in Florida after all) and found it offensive and felt the need to defend gay people cause … mean I don’t know why …they weren’t under attack in the least…

You been sucking dick Bill? Is that why you are so defensive?
I am defensive about being a homophobe because I have had meaningful same sex relations and support the right for people to love who they want without judgement. Why are you?

[QUOTE=BackFistMonkey;3013735]I am sure you weren’t offended which is why you responded with hostility and tried to attack back and call me homophobic. Perfect logic… I say Trump wants to spank you with magazine with him on the cover and bareback you (completely innocent Stormy reference) and you go straight to homophobic.

… but who knows… maybe you are a closeted bottom (you are in Florida after all) and found it offensive and felt the need to defend gay people cause … mean I don’t know why …they weren’t under attack in the least…

You been sucking dick Bill? Is that why you are so defensive?
I am defensive about being a homophobe because I have had meaningful same sex relations and support the right for people to love who they want without judgement. Why are you?[/QUOTE]

Monkey, you claim to disagree with Donald Trump’s oratory style, but in this instance the two of you have quite a similar debate style, specifically: making vulgar comparisons to vulnerable populations to belittle the person who disagrees with you about something.

In this case, Monkey, you made and continue to make homophobic comments.

You make them in the classic style of a homophobe trying to belittle someone else by calling them gay, or stating that they perform gay sex acts, thus implying being gay or performing those sex acts is shameful and should be stigmatized.

The type and style of rhetoric about homosexuals you chose to make is the same kind and style of homophobic rhetoric that has always been used to terrorize gay people and kept them fearful about coming out of the closet, and has sometimes incited homophobic violence when done in groups.

If you think you are going to get a pass on homophobic remarks by then saying that some of your best friends are gay, or that you experimented in college, then you are incorrect.

At best you would get a pass, if there was one to be given at all, because you made those comments on a site where vulgar talk and insults are the standard, and people ought not come here without thick skin.

But, you fail to realize that you insulted the entire homosexual community, rather than insulting me.

Because you used the accusation that someone might be gay, as your choice of insult.

As if being gay would have made your debate opponent’s arguments lessor or seen as weaker or made him or her a worthwhile target for other people to perhaps assist you in mocking him or her.

Which is the classic pattern of homophobic people who act perniciously towards members of the homosexual community.

So what does it mean that when I hear two men talking about penises and sex acts then I feel uncomfortable and badly want to change the subject?

Oh look, it’s Big Bird! What a great guy! Everybody loves Big Bird! Man, I tell you what. It’s really hard to be upset when Big Bird is around. Thank the Lord Yazu for that guy.

The parody is getting deep, heading to garage to get hip waders…

Sword fighting derail, brilliant!