We got some business to handle tonight, some guy who hasnt paid money he borrowed of one of my friends, we will sort out his ass and take some money too. I’m already suited up in black with a balaclava and sh1t, my friends got some samurai swords and stuff too so that will be cool. This fool who owes us money will be shitting himself if he doesnt pay up. I use the old pool ball in sock trick too, nothing like a pool ball cracking you around the jaw. Supposedly his gonna be at some bar tonight so we are gonna look for him there.
Any other tips on fucking someone up and fighting in bar situations ?
Firstly, a balaclava is soooo 80’s.
I recommend some Hallowe’en masks (cheap, too) or maybe something of that ilk.
Personally, the last time me and my [strike]homos[/strike] homies had to put some hurt on someone who had withheld goods (fabric samples), we all got rubber masks of philosophers… (I was Socrates, my friend was Plato… oh we had such fun) and really threatened that designer. He almost soiled his briefs.
I still feel bad about it.
Would you like the link to my blog?
It’s all in there.
Oh, I also stuff socks down there, you know, to make it look big, but I don’t put a pool ball down there. Odd.
Anyway, good luck with your roleplay… don’t forget a good safety word, just in case one of your friends gets too exuberant!
Stop being a little bitch, boxingguy. If you want to tune him up, just go as yourself and do so, stop fucking around with stealth and shit. What a fuckin’ dickless fuck, eh? Jeezuz.
Or you can have everything in your pockets (or your boyfriends), you’ll have to do without your makeup set for a bit though. And then you’ll be ready for when the ninjers attack the dance floor.