Stupid Fights

Found this stupid video, which i found amusing.

<object width=“425” height=“344”><param name=“movie” value="YouTube - funny kung fu fight

Now i’m wondering if anyone else here has seen a more amusing bs fight then this? If so please post it up.

this has been posted a few times.

ah really damn then this thread should probably ignored then.

nah. It is still fun. as long as nobody mention ashida kim. oops

TMA winnning on t3h d34d1y str33ts. I love it.

This video is so old it used a buckskin condom.

Actual photo of what George Burns looked like on the day this video was first posted

Okay, we’ve all seen this plenty of times. To the op- why is it a bs fight?

I think it’s hilarious.

Next time I fight in a bar or something, I’m gonna confuse and distract my opponent with a kung fu form too. See? The movies were right.

This video is so old, it couldn’t teach history in school because there wasn’t enough course material.

Bump for humiliation.

To the OP…

You just bought your first computer didn’t you?

Moving to Trollshido…

Still, the best part was when the dude took off his shoes. Classic.

it’s bs funny

I love that video seen it a few times and still love it ha ha

I thought it was novel , we don’t get much shoe action in these parts …