I get sent this mag by my electricity company. They gave me a free subscription to a mag when I signed up. I flicked through the latest copy (Australian edition) and I see an article on Martial Arts. It’s a four page number which gives a rundown of four different martial arts.
Page one; Kyokushin karate: Not a bad rundown and talks about how hardcore their competitions and fighting is.
Next up, Muay Thai: Again, a good rundown and says stuff like “Who doesn’t get warm and tingly at the thought of smashing someone’s face with a swinging elbow?”
Tai Chi: Promoted more as a form of exercise and not an ancient art of the deadly, which is good. No mention of chi knowdowns or bowel disruption dim mak points.
Next up, you guessed it; t3h Ninjitsu. The write up uses quotes from a South African Bujinkan guy.
“You develop and know how to use your six senses”
It mentions studying the five elements the “void level” which is: “the ability to tap into a universal knowledge pool. At this level your response to a situation is or attack bypasses thought and is in tune with the moment.”
There’s only one slight problem ninjitsu; it doesn’t exist.