Striking choice

Prettttty sure this has been discussed to death. I’ll go ahead and say use the search function, despite the fact I’m too lazy to search and find threads where this has been discussed.

sayno2ringworm, I suggest you go introduce yourself in Newbietown before posting any more threads.

Also, USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION (upper right) before posting.

It’s tough for me to make that choice during my psycho windmill attack.

I prefer palm and edge-of-hand strikes, mostly because I make my living pushing pencils and typing, so I can’t afford to break my hands. I also like to use weapons or anything that I can hit with to avoid hurting my hands. Remember, we’re primarily tool users…

I chose #7: other: Nice thick wrappings inside with a cushion’esque 16 oz glove. I want to hurt the other guy… not my own hands.


  1. Even with gloves, I was of the impression horizontal fists with index-middle finger knuckles was by far the best choice. Better alignment, larger, tougher bones (I was of the impression boxers usually get broken hands from accidentally hitting with knuckles other than these, rather than breaks in the main two.)

Boxers make a living using their fists. They use horizontal fists with first two knuckles. If there was a better way, they’d have discovered it by now.


Anything other than head butts is a waste of time.

I prefer No Touch Chi Blasts.

Socratic, get out from under that impression. Boxers use the horizontal fist- strike because it is the most effective and carries the most power- with gloves on. Boxers, like Mike Tyson even, are notorious for breaking their hands in street fights or hitting something bareknuckle because the are conditioned to punch this way. A lot more power, but a lot more danger in that you can easily break/dislocate your knuckles or wrist during that little twist in the end of the punch. They do know a better way, and always have, and it is the method of the old pugilists.

Though, ringworm is wrong too. Sorta. A straight vertical punch has it’s place, but will lead you to strike with your bottom three knuckles, otherwise your spine is not in alignment with your shoulder as you strike and you may hurt yourself. The method suggested to be my my grandpa, who was a bareknuckle boxing champion in scotland, is to hold your hands vertically, but strike with your fist angled diagonally. It’s the way the old time puglisits did it, and it works wonders. I’ll try to find pics. In this way you get some of the power of the twist, but maintain good posture to protect your hands from injury.


Yohan is right really, it depends. Especially now that I’m going back and seeing you were reffering to ALL types of hand strikes, not just punching. Everything has it’s place.

hadouken is my favorite! Pends on where i’m hitting. but a good ol thumb in the wye is a classic (or io watch too much slapstick comedy)

My ideal striking surface is either a nice hard shoe or a nice hard floor.

How the fuck did a gay ass thread like this end up in Strikestan. Get the fuck out of here with this gay ass newb question:

  1. What are you fucking crazy?
  2. sure why not
  3. idiotic question
  4. dumb question
  5. Yes, when I slap your mom.
  6. Boards

I’m lazy.

Bah, you guys are right. I am ashames for responding to this thread. I’ve only been coming here for a couple of months but I know I’ve already seen this done before.

From now on, my motto will be to say no to saynotoringworm. Say that five times fast.

Yes, quite :new_llyin

a nice old 2x4 usually works real well for striking especially one with a big nail sticking out…

Valid point.