Strep Throat Sucks more than Humanly Possible to describe

You have no idea how often you have to swallow during a normal 10 minute period until you’re terrified to do so.

And NOTHING takes away the pain. Nothing. Painkillers just don’t work on me, ever. I’ve tried Extra strength Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil and Aleve. Normally Aleve works but NOTHING is working this time. I’ve spent my vacation weekend huddled in my bed in a feverish bundle, trying not to swallow and missing all the stuff I was supposed to do.

The topper is I have to take anti-biotics and I HATE taking anti biotics.

I just had to share. Worst birthday weekend ever.

I’m sorry to heat that JKDChick, I will think of you and hope for your speedy recovery.

Drink the following - couple of times a day at least

1 clove fresh garlic (fresh is critical), lemon juice, a little honey, near boiling water.
mix together, let it sit, then drink.

Not a taste sensation, I tend to skip the honey myself but it helps on the soothing front, but excellent for throat problems.

Happy birthday!

Go brush your teeth and then gargle with Listerine as far back in your throat for as long as possible. Do this at least 3 times a day. Everytime I have a sore throat or throat infection this will kill it within a day. Of course, you’re still gonna have a cold virus, but your throat won’t hurt. Take a multivitamin. Go get some Korean ginseng. It’ll boost your immune system. I swear by that stuff. A cold won’t last 2 days.

Morphine, demerol, oxycodone, or the ever available H?

Now, I know that it sucks to never, ever have the possibility of getting any, but letting guys fuck your throat raw with strep infected dicks is just a bad idea.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Brownnose it’s not going to happen, stop deluding yourself.

Salt water rinses do wonders, at least for me.

also, you gotta stay away from the herpes infested co…oh yea ur a girl, sorry, thats not gentlemanly.

Cracky, JKD Chick writes about three times better then yourself and therefore is deserving of respect unlike yourself.

Neverless I will hope that you die while slashing your wrists in true emo fashion while inadvertantly getting it right. Its’ sad but being a “hero” in the terms accepted by the Encylopedia Dramatica is the highest calling you will be able to achieve in life.

Hopefully the skitzo will get you before you are 30 years old, and/or have a chance to breed. Please make your end so dramatic so it makes the U.S. papers so I can gloat about your end.

LOL, because I submit only the highest quality writing for your reading pleasure…HAHA…although I will admit, she’s a better writer thEn you, LOLOL.

Neverless I will hope that you die while slashing your wrists in true emo fashion while inadvertantly getting it right. Its’ sad but being a “hero” in the terms accepted by the Encylopedia Dramatica is the highest calling you will be able to achieve in life.

Suppresses Giggle of Delight

I just got to you, HAHAHAHA, does this happen during closing arguements? Do you break down and tell the prosecutor he’s a meanie and he should become an (the “n” is important, if you want to reference ED, here) hero? HEHE! I bet not, but then, they aren’t cognizant of the true depth of the loserishness that permeates your life, to the point that you find it necessary to try to hit on fat, ugly bitches from thousands of miles away over the internet.

I mean, I guess I’d be bitter too if I worked all my life striving to be a success at…something, but wound up a third-rate lawyer forced to take on uninspiring cases and unable to secure a date with any female in my state.

Hopefully the skitzo will get you before you are 30 years old, and/or have a chance to breed. Please make your end so dramatic so it makes the U.S. papers so I can gloat about your end.

You want this, don’t you?

The hate is swelling in you now. Take your staff weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.

Wow cracky, that soliloquy even pissed ME off.

I think this time you’ve gone too far… <sigh>

I’m going to miss you.

Aw Cracky, you know the rules. You wouldn’t be raising the issue unless you wanted to be banned so you could go have your own pity party. You know, Bullshido is so bad because they couldn’t recognize your genius and JKD Chick tossed you off of Mount Olympus.

Please don’t hold it against her. You know, you’re hatred of women, your feelings of worthlessness, your repeated urge to stick your head in a toilet bowl, why else would you use that as the terms of your wagers. Ah to be young and pure, back in May 2002 when Phrost actually thought you were worth listening to. Naw, why don’t you arrange for your banning through a more traditional route, duplicate accounts for example.

Or you could beg Phrost to put you out of your misery. Come on champ, admit your self loathing. It will make you whole for the first time in your life. :slight_smile:

Aw Cracky, you know the rules. You wouldn’t be raising the issue unless you wanted to be banned so you could go have your own pity party. You know, Bullshido is so bad because they couldn’t recognize your genius and JKD Chick tossed you off of Mount Olympus.

Have you never watched Return of the Jedi, you fucking retard? I have no desire to actually be banned, I was mocking your oh-so-rare outburst of vitriol.

Please don’t hold it against her. You know, you’re (sic) hatred of women, your feelings of worthlessness, your repeated urge to stick your head in a toilet bowl, why else would you use that as the terms of your wagers.

Because it was Vitor Belfort against Chump Liddell. As for women, yes, I sure hate them, I tell them I’m a misogynist right to their faces, and yet, it’s STILL easier for me to get a date than you.

Or you could beg Phrost to put you out of your misery. Come on champ, admit your self loathing. It will make you whole for the first time in your life.

I’ll have you know I love myself on a daily basis.

Let’s get this back on track though, Brownnose. THIS is the FIRST TIME that you’ve actually gotten mad at something I’ve said in living memory. I can’t ever remember anything but a Ghandilike response from you before this, and yet, when I attack the ugly-fat-bitch-thousands-of-miles-away, and laugh at you for your oh-so-sweet sympathy post, you finally blowup.

You lose, Brownnose, you just lose. You’ve compromised your own idea of propriety, whereas mine remain intact. HAHAHA.

Now, would you care to actually DENY that the reason you’re angry is because you fantasize that JKDBitch is your last, best chance at getting laid?

Your both weird.

Um, for the record, I don’t see any reason to ban Cracky. He’s about as pathetic and pointless as always.

He’s got this weird hard-on about me, because he claims he used to be “nice” to me and I turned on him, but I was going thru my old PM’s and was reminded that he was kicked off staff for trolling the staff forum and then coming back with “well, i created the site so I do what I want, fuck all you guys” (paraphrasing).

He’s just a sad, irrelevant child. Ignore him.

Just to keep this kinda health related, I had strep when I was little kid and it re-occurs periodically every decade or so; it never leaves the body, you just beat it into submission.

And I tried the gargling thing and nearly threw up, I just can’t do it. Some weakness of mine.

Whilst writing this, I decided this thread is now Trollshido bait, so off there it goes. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I’ll see what they do for me in the future. For this one, I’m going with the evil, symptom orientated Western medicine thing. You now, that stuff that actually cures people?

Hee hee.

Hope you feel better soon, JKDChick. Happy Birthday!

He’s got this weird hard-on about me, because he claims he used to be “nice” to me and I turned on him, but I was going thru my old PM’s and was reminded that he was kicked off staff for trolling the staff forum and then coming back with “well, i created the site so I do what I want, fuck all you guys” (paraphrasing).

Er…LOL, I stopped ACTIVELY TROLLING YOU, and then one time some gender issue came up, I trolled a bit and you got a sandy vagina about it, so I started trolling you. Later, I was back on staff, and yeah, I trolled the mod forum, but that wasn’t the issue, as far as you told me at the time, you told me not to EDIT POSTS and then I came back with “I’m gonna do it anyway” and that’s when you booted me.

Basically it boiled down to me defending Aesopian and making fun of your vacillation on the issue of whether or not to let him keep his position, which you eventually did. I trolled it up about that, and that’s when the post editing came up. I defended it on the groundz that I did it for the lulz, and you found that unacceptable, banning me.

Anyway, it doesn’t really matter, I have no more hard feelings. Funny how a week of sobriety clears one’s perspective, but, I mean, come on, a thread complaining about a sore throat, and Sam rushing in to offer his sympathies…I couldn’t resist.

As for strep, that shit is nasty, I know from experience, and there’s really nothing to be done but take the anti-biotics and followup with your doctor.

On a lighter note, my brother once had strep which somehow spread to his kidneys and resulted in pissing blood, around the time he hit puberty. Needless to say, I informed everyone that he’d had his first period.

Get some hot and sour soup. that always makes me feel better when i get sick.


Try hot tea with lemon, honey, and whiskey… Lots of whiskey

See if you can get your doctor to prescribe Zithromax. It sucks just as much as every other antibiotic, but at typical dosage it’s a three-day course, so at least it’s only three days of feeling miserable from the side-effects instead of a week or more.

Sorry to hear about the illness; hope you’re better soon.

Those short dossage antibiotics just kick my ass, I can’t handle them.
I had one where I had to take 6 pills the first day, 5 the next, decreasing to 1 the last. I couldn’t make it past the third day.