He’s got this weird hard-on about me, because he claims he used to be “nice” to me and I turned on him, but I was going thru my old PM’s and was reminded that he was kicked off staff for trolling the staff forum and then coming back with “well, i created the site so I do what I want, fuck all you guys” (paraphrasing).
Er…LOL, I stopped ACTIVELY TROLLING YOU, and then one time some gender issue came up, I trolled a bit and you got a sandy vagina about it, so I started trolling you. Later, I was back on staff, and yeah, I trolled the mod forum, but that wasn’t the issue, as far as you told me at the time, you told me not to EDIT POSTS and then I came back with “I’m gonna do it anyway” and that’s when you booted me.
Basically it boiled down to me defending Aesopian and making fun of your vacillation on the issue of whether or not to let him keep his position, which you eventually did. I trolled it up about that, and that’s when the post editing came up. I defended it on the groundz that I did it for the lulz, and you found that unacceptable, banning me.
Anyway, it doesn’t really matter, I have no more hard feelings. Funny how a week of sobriety clears one’s perspective, but, I mean, come on, a thread complaining about a sore throat, and Sam rushing in to offer his sympathies…I couldn’t resist.
As for strep, that shit is nasty, I know from experience, and there’s really nothing to be done but take the anti-biotics and followup with your doctor.
On a lighter note, my brother once had strep which somehow spread to his kidneys and resulted in pissing blood, around the time he hit puberty. Needless to say, I informed everyone that he’d had his first period.