Most brands of KMA seem to see themselves as traditional, at least in spirit. But their white doboks seem to be derived from the Japanese karate gi, in turn from the Japanese Judo Gi etc etc – certainly not a traditional Korean attire.
Kuk Sool Wont is well known for is frilly coats, but maybe TaeKkyon is the way forward for the more serious student wishing to connect to the awesome kick-arse past?
These chaps demonstrate the practical fighting attire of the modern Taekwoniasts, and rather dashingly I might add.
Note that these are third generation American Taekwoniasts, and have evolved without lower arms which are auxiliary to effective KMA fighting.
Very practical, these doboks also double as evening attire.
lolz wtf? double amputee TKD :lol:
Watch out, they have a deadly “nubbie” attack…
Magic pants would go down a treat with them dooodes