You are in frozen wasteland of Siberia wearing only tiger stripe thong and bear skin cap. Along comes damn Chernobyl children with weird faces and heads like Sputnik! They all have 3 eyes more than you and begin to sing songs like David Hasselhuffer while grabbing each other in private place like Mikail Jackson! You are bored and have nothing better to do then kill them and rip off heads like polar bear on crack.
What do you think is good Judo throw for above scenario?
What do you think is good wrestling throw for above scenario?
Of two throws which is better one?
Also, do you like parades?
Ha! This is same technique I saw in attack on Stalingrad. German devils use Hitler look-a-like midgets to attack us in night. At first we think they are wery crafty enemy to be feared but we realize all they want is to eat French Cheese like dirty aryian pig dog. I make them lick boot and service my weapon. This was mistake as they really do service my weapon and leave creamy mess in barrel! Had to shoot 3 of them just to clean out barrel. :zicon_ram
Hey, don’t you remember?
Only str33t techs work in the street!
But perhaps, if it was cold enough, you could use BJJ, since the lava would be frozen. Only remember to use a thick jacket, for the broken glass.
Da, comrade! But do you like parade? What if attacked at parade by midget female Shriners in black leather ass-less chaps and high heel boots? Which throw to use?
I would use duckunder and use “finishing” moves from there.