I was thinking of learning a staff art at some point. What is good, what is crap, what should I look out for.
I was thinking of learning a staff art at some point. What is good, what is crap, what should I look out for.
How big a staff?
As to what to look out for.
Any school that Bo staff “training” is a bunch of dancing kata where they spin the bo behind them and throw it up in the air.
Off the top of my head. Good things to look at.
For largers staffs (6’ to 8’)
English Quarter Staff
Kuki Family Bojutsu (Kukishin Ryu, Kukishinden). Which as 6' staff and 3' staff.
For smaller the 4’ you go into “stick” fighting. In which case I would go Kali.
Dog Brothers.
idealy 6 foot or so
Ok then. From my personal expirence, I would stay away from Chinese or Okiwinian Style of Staff. Its a Personal preference, but in those styles you will find ALOT of the school are just teaching competition forms.
I mentioned before. Either find a Ko Ryu (Old School) Japanese Bojutsu (like Kukishin Ryu) or English Quarter Staff.
Any particular reason you want to learn staff, or just for the fun of it?
ive won as kilik far too many times
Go away and die :seppuku:
Mods, please move to trollshido.
I apologise for trying to be wittier than, no reason i just thought thay where cool, through use of self depricating comedy. I will edevor to take myself more seriously from here on out.
not that anyone will be reading this
incidentally, kilik does chineseish, wushu looking staff.
yes, that was the joke
For staffs i like the Jo (4ft) its lighter so you can get more speed to react, the bo is so heavy that you have to pre-plan a strik & recovery & can’t change it mid move.
It’s also conveneantly sized like a pool cue… but that just me.
Kali has a five foot staff. Irish cudgel is 6-7 ft. Filipino Kun Tao has a 4 foot staff.
There’s lots of stuff out there.
Does anyone have more generalized advice as to what a good school looks like? Does the hard sparring rule of thumb apply in this instance?
one q why is this in trollshido?
i made a joke equateing my interest in staff arts with soul caliber. apparently that is the gravest of sins.