Split off: bjj class kicked my a%$ - JFS has another brainstorm

You have the audacity to “hit” me with a vicious Talking Heads lyric line? :bduh:

You are, w/out a doubt … forever my Bitch :qright6: John “The Bitch Master” Springer

another jfs flame thread…


alright, you listen to talking heads, you can’t be all bad, nevermind what they say.

Yeah, pretty much what I meant. Not saying he’s wrong, but he probably shouldn’t get his panties in a bunch if people react badly to him.

Why? So it dosen’t upset you? Poor baby.

See, sweetheart, you are an asshole. Your responses above and below prove that. You’re the same kind of smug, solipistic asshole as KFDW. You have the small saving grace of being right about some information sometimes, but the way you go about presenting it dosen’t lead anyone to want to agree with or defend you.

I’m not making an assumption. Based on your behaviour here, YOU SIMPLY ARE AN ASSHOLE. So what? Nothing wrong with it, as long as you stop getting all bitchy when people aren’t leaping up to praise and adore you.

Gee … how brilliant and profound :book1: John

Yes. Yes it was. Thanks for noticing.

Not to mention I’m curious why he retorted to your comment.

“A man does no insult by accusing you of the impossible.”

If he is an asshole, it’s true and complaining about it to you in this manner just proves it.

If he’s not an asshole then there’s no insult and it’s a moot point.

Or maybe he just wanted to confirm what you guessed?

sigh try to be nice and JKDChick goes PMS on me. Look, BITCH, why don’t you be a good little girl and make sure you always wipe front to back?

Wouldn’t want you getting a “nasty infection” and ruining the one good part of you.

Agree or defend me? Come 9/17 & AGAIN on 9/18 you and like minded (bit of a stretch on the mind part of it) peeps are going to get an eye full of why I don’t ever need any one “defending” me.

Now go back to practicing standing at the urinal like the Boys you wannabe. Try not to piss all over your feet … again. John

[QUOTE=Bard of DorAr][QUOTE]

Or maybe your shoe size is a tad higher a number than your IQ?

Or maybe I don’t take shit off of anyone?

Or maybe … John

So because someone points out that you’re acting like an asshole you post and remove all doubt?


lol. can’t you guys vent some of this wind-up venom on the pulp MA bullshitters of this world, rather than arguing amongst ourselves? Shit. I can’t believe I just bloody swore.

Annnnnd my work here is done.

This demonstration of Remote, Web-Assisted Mind Control brought to you by JKDChick’s Nasty Sense of Humour, The Canadian Climate, and the letters A S S H O L and E.

P.S. For those not bright enough to get this – i’m looking at you JFS – I was trying to see if I could prompt EXACTLY this kind of response with basically inoffensive posts. I do the same thing with KFDW. It’s not even HARD.

Asshole? Hmm, looks like a cunt to me but I’ve made that mistake before…


Ah JKDChick … your VooDoo is most strong :bowdown:

However, failed in this case. I am the Perfect Mirror and what you saw is …
yourself :icon_chee Hugs, Kisses & Death from Above by Way of Silver Winged Warrior … John

Thanks for sharing … I mean … with your cumulative “wisdom” all wrapped up in that single acerbic post you have most definitely achieved “cunt” status in one fell swoop. :5slick: John

Kvetch, I have to ask you something I’ve found myself asking frequently. Who are you?

JFS, nice attempt to save on the whole “mirror” thing. Too bad she’s been a jerk but isn’t constantly an asshole. Not to mention her initial comments weren’t attacking or even mildly bad.

But then, you can’t grasp something as simple as no insult from being accused of the impossible… ::shrug:: That you keep defending yourself when you weren’t even under attack is quite telling.

Or maybe that’s your master plan, you’re just going along with whatever we say in some elaborate attempt to make us… Heh… never mind.

nanni-nanni-boo-boo stick your head in doo-doo. I’m rubber, you’re glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks on you!

Is that what I just read?

If that’s to me, Yrkoon, not really.

My philosophy on that doesn’t require the insult to stick to someone else. Just no real point of getting bent out of shape. Either what someone says about you is false and who cares. You can prove them wrong if needed and otherwise it’s meaningless. If it IS true you need to be fixing a problem, acknowledging it’s truth or getting upset… I perfect the first choice.

another legitimate thread turned into an inane trollfest…

anyway… I agree with what most people are saying, if your body aches a bit then continue training, if you are in pain, then ice it and rest, skip training if it’s still bad.

When you are just starting out with any sort of physical activity, the worst thing you can do is increase the volume of exercise too quickly. I’d say take it easy the first few weeks then add in more training as your body gets used to it. Massages will definately help recovery, if you have sore bits then icing them as soon as possible will also help. Tight muscles can be loosened up by massaging them and applying heat. Also having a carb drink after the session may help the recovery process.

Working through pain (Not just a bit of soreness, actual pain) is asking for trouble IMO.

That dosen’t even make SENSE in the context. I saw myself making you act like an asshole? Well, yeah, kinda.

ANyway, given that I suspect you’ve had a stroke or something, it’s probably well enough to leave you talking to the potted plants. When they tell you to burn things, you should call the nurse over.

Damn. You are good.

You’re a moderator. Shouldn’t you, like, implode his account? Or maybe make his title say something ridiculous? :slight_smile:

