Speed and power

Speed and power

I would like everyones opinion on the speed and power of my kicks and also my foot work rate them on a scale of one to ten and give any tips on improving them that you might have

p.s I am fully aware that my technique is garbage everyone here has made that clear I only want feed back on my speed , power and foot work

YouTube - Bag work

thank you in advance

After you do a roundhouse kick you are bringing down your foot and then stepping back into your stance. You should go straight back to your stance.


Get your hands up!

If your first kick doesn’t land or is countered, how much good does power of the initial kick help you?

BTW - fill the base like it’s meant to be - sand or water

It has sand in it , 250 lbs worth.
Thanks for the tip’s.

Speed and power are totally unrelated to technique. No, really. Just give up on technique, it’s cool.

Um, speed 5/10, power 4/10, footwork is silly. Get a heavy bag. The single roundhouse kicks are telegraphed a mile away and look very catchable–the double roundhouses are better.

BTW, your kicks aren’t bad. They’re actually pretty coordinated and strong. It’s just a weird set of kicks, statements, and it’s on a wavemaster.

To elaborate on 1point2’s comment, technique should always come before speed and power. Without proper technique, your speed and power suffer. Sure there are people who can hit/kick like a freight train without previous training, but they aren’t hitting as hard as they could with proper technique.

That said, you are light on your feet which is good depending on what you are going for. Good turn on the back kick and pop spinning back kick. Hands up though (re: hungryjoe) as, if they side-step or foot jab you on any of those kicks, you’d be eating mat with their counter (being punched on the back/side of the head sucks).

Try to not step straight in on your kicks; instead step left (when your right leg is back) and in (45 degrees offline) on your kicks to change the angle of attack. Stepping straight into your target will get you hit. Stepping offline creates distance, changes the angle, and opens up more targets.

Do you have a coach/instructor? If not, try to find one because there is nothing like someone hounding you. This should be the moral of this and the other thread if it is possible.

…this is silly.

Stop asking us things, train more, GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP.

That is all.

what’s up with the jumping/bouncing footwork thingie?

thanks for the advice im working on technique and hopefully I will get it right soon

the reason I do that is because its easier to evade an attack if you are on your toes and already moving

thanks for the advice it is much appriciated

It’s also really easy to get your legs kicked out from under you and/or taken down. Example is Me vs Whiteshark. I have a hoppy kind of stance left over from my TKD days and multiple times he kicks my legs right out from under me because I don’t have any stability.

Everything that needs to be said has already been said in the three other threads you made. You haven’t really made any progress in your kicking, which is to be expected since the videos are only a few days apart. The next video you post had better be of you at your actual gym or it’s going straight to trollshido.

I forget, in a San Da match, isn’t there a reason to step down after a kick to enable certain takedowns?

not you step down to keep them from grabbing your leg

And that’s how you move in San Da?

Dropping your leg straight down rather than stepping back doesn’t offer any more protection from leg grabs that I can think of.


Yes, I’ve found kumite success against leg catches by stepping straight down as a stomp instead of pulling it back. Pulling back A) allows the catch to take effect–you try to pull back and that fails–and B) if successful, allows the attacker to move in and reap your other leg, kibisu-gaeshi style, or to attack with hands. Stomping down, in contrast, allows me to clinch and punch on a more even playing field.

But I don’t step down axe-kick style the way I think he does; it’s more of a bent-knee, heel-down motion.

yeah thats how I move

Hmmm, I ask if that’s how you move in Sanda, by “you” meaning people in Sanda, not you in specific, but I should have been clearer. It was a rhetorical question anyways.

The thing is, and someone else correct me if I’m wrong, you are going to telegraph every single attack you make. That bouncing is perfect for point sparring, but if/when you attempt to throw a combo, throw a kick, you inevitably must stop that. Simple physics and human anatomy, stuff that has been discussed in many other threads. Suffice to say that any fighter with a good eye is going to get your timing and eat you alive. That’s why there is proper footwork.

Or maybe not, maybe you are actually capable of making it work. The only way to know is by seeing you using that against someone, a sparring partner or something like that. As it is with this video (and considering nothing else and no other potentially existing factors), that habit looks problematic at best.