Sound Off: Academic Martial Arts Researchers

No worries, bro. That’s what I’m here for.

Yes, I have that issue, but thanks for the offer.

Don’t forget to eat your :XXspam: .

Please do- I swing by every other Veteran’s Day or so to try and buy him lunch, but I can never seem to catch him around.

Jason Couch

No problem. PM me and I’ll send you his office.

That would be awesome. We’re actually looking for solid articles on various styles right now for an information project. Have you talked to Miguk? He’s got a lot of experience in that area as well.

That should say I’ll PM you his office hours.

Sure, just let me know what the submission guidelines are, etc. and I think I can swing it.

Miguk and I have chatted on and off. Researching KMA is what brought me to Bullshido years ago, through searching his posts. I’d love to collaborate with him on anything KMA related. He’s a great dude.

You’re just saying that in the hopes I can hook you up with some Hanguk poji. :laughing9

Actually I have articles, interenet clippings and conversations that I have printed out. Always open to share what I have, for the right price. (And by price I mean a beer or some baekseju)

Hahahaha, you shek.

I actually got a couple of the guys at the bar saying poji. Anytime a good looking girl walks into the bar, you’ll hear a chorus of “Poji!”…which is really funny since the Annapolis is nothing but baekin shekkies.

Dude. You drink baekseju with the ladies.

I am not hooking up with you.

No reward is worth that.

But yeah, we should discuss how and what we want to go about doing. There’s so much to do in TKD alone, much less KMA as a whole.

May I suggest oh ship se ju =P that way both of you can get what you want and still get hammered by power of poktanju.

50seju is good…Poktanju can go either way, depending on what beer you use. I usually just stick with Chamisul. Hard to go wrong there.

Chamisul is good. Green is decent as well. Have you ever tried Andangsoju? Nasty tasting shit.

Green is ok, not really my thing. I’ve never had Andangsoju, but I’ve got a ceramic bottle of Hanju waiting for the right occasion.

Heh. Are we gonna write an article on Korean alcohol too?

Any thoughts on how we can approach this KMA project?

Just for basics, I was thinking a FAQ dealing with the various mythological claims of the KMA world, something to link to whenever someone comes on here and starts spouting the party line. That way you and I can stop having to type the same thing over and over and over again.

I second that.

This stuff? Gotcha. I’ll avoid.:godtroll:

Sounds good. Now do we do a rough overview when dealing with those types of FAQ’s or get deep into detail?

Yes, that is it. I bought some on my way home from Korea for my mom’s 40th b-day. I thought it would be the same as regular. I had a taste of it and nearly puked my guts out. Some lady at my mom’s party who that she was all that decided not to listen to my warning about sipping it instead of shooting it. No sooner did it hit the back of her throat, it was being spat out along with her dinner.

Any chance you know where he did his graduate work?

I believe Mr. Burdick did his graduate work through the history department at Indiana University in Bloomington. I think there’s a copy of his thesis on file at the Wells Library on campus, but I don’t believe it’s online. If you’re trying to contact him, I believe he still lives in Bloomington and works for the University. I’ve been told his research on Korean martial arts is pretty good.

If anyone is doing any work on Filipino Martial Arts history, that’s a subject I’ve been researching a little bit, not for academics, just as a hobby. Right now, I’m trying to gather information on FMA practitioners that migrated to the US before WWII. If there are any sources you know of let me know.


I think starting with a rough overview will give us an idea of what needs to be researched and developed upon. A paragraph that answers a frequently asked question ends in a link to an article on the subject that has more detail.

Well, knowing my stupid ass, I’ll probably end up trying it at some point just to say I did. Whatever.


How convenient::XXpuke: