SoulMechanic, back in business

Speaking as someone from the more Euro end of the spectrum, I’d just like to add a hearty “WTF??? You got shot???”.

I’d also like to welcome you back broski! I’ll buy you a beer if we ever manage to meet!

SoulMechanic - So Baddass he got shot, twice, and lived to be droll about it…

Here are pictures you weird little freaks.

Sorry it took so long to get these up and running but, well, here we go.

Sup doodz, want to have my wallet? Well that shit aint happening.

I mean, just look at this man. How could you possibly want to fuck with 6’1 and 190 pounds of pure awesome?

+WARNING+ shit is about to get sexy. So either grab the lube or close the page.

this one didnt hurt that bad.

Now this one. This one hurt like a bitch.

lil more sexy for you guyz.

double dirty.

^^^yup, chi blasting fools fresh out the hospital. I learned my fireball from Carlos Newton

^^ This ones for Serge and Frank White. Buttrockin on narcotics y’all.

So here are the pics. I got shot, it was pretty gnarly but I can say with pride I did not lose my wallet nor my dignity. I stood up to this fuck like a man. Used my martial art training and ended up with two slugs through the legs instead of the chest like mr. cholo wanted to do things. I know im stupid. I should have given him my wallet and suggest everybody do the same. But I just dont roll that way. I have now been stabbed, shot, and kicked by a horse. This shit hurts, and I was lucky. Two clean shots, hit no bone nor artery. They just went in and out. So I can tell you guys, martial arts and stupidity saved my life. My lawyer(brother) told me I should not really get into the details of how everything went down right now. So sorry, no detailed write up right now. But boy is this story a doozy. So yes Tonuzaba it did make the news but I aint showing you the articles because things ended badly for my atacker and I am having trouble with that. Also the papers really pump stories up with lies and half truthes.

Lastly, thanks for the tag Phrost.

Not often you can tell someone that got shot that they were lucky. I hope that Mr. Cholo gets free surprise sex for many years to come.

[quote=SoulMechanic;2170223]…So yes Tonuzaba it did make the news but I aint showing you the articles because things ended badly for my atacker and I am having trouble with that. Also the papers really pump stories up with lies and half truthes.
Lastly, thanks for the tag Phrost.[/quote]
Wow - I’ll direct any man who will talk about how they “want as many holes as they can get” to your photos… :wink:

What is the expected recovery time?

Also, I really hope none of that American “burglar wins in court because home owner dared to slap him” shit happens to you, man!!!

I would like that as well but Mr. Cholo is now pushing up daisies. Closest thing to “surprise sex” he will be getting is maggots all up in his shit 6 feet under.

Oh and tom buy the 10 dollar somethingawful account dude. Then you can actually read the word as rape, instead of surprise sex.

Tonuzaba, I am working full time now. I am in a great deal of pain all day but bills must be paid. Technically I should be out for another 2 weeks. The trauma specialist said I have about 8 more weeks of pain before things get better, but im back at work lifting kegs and running around for 9 hours a day 6 days a week.


And shit once again…

Fingers crossed for you in both the legal and health level!


fingers crossed and good luck vibes heading west to you.

Can I go ahead and revel in the fact that I know what happened!??!??!

^ No. Its a shame really you didn’t enlist in the marines. San Diego bootcamp is nice and your 18 now. I can beat your ass and not get in trouble.

What glorious news, I’m enlisting! I go to boot camp october 19th!

Parris island, though. So I won’t be able to beat you, and then rape you.

You now have EXTRA love holes. It would have been fantastic :frowning:

Bullets don’t feel good. I will be praying that you don’t end up hurt during your enlistment. I can only imagine what the LEO and Military members from the board have seen/experienced. In all seriousness can any of you LEO and Military guys chime in or PM me. Ive been joking around with this thread but in all honesty it would be cool to get some insight from you guys or other people from the board who have been a victim of a violent crime. This was a very traumatic experience for me. Ive been in too many fights to count. But when a man has the power to end you and you are fighting for your life, well I just cant really wrap my head around it. I dont want to come off like an attention whore, but how on earth do you guys deal with shooting people or being shot at? Do you ever get over it? Do you somehow get to a point where its almost a normal thing to be shooting and be shot at? I know we have Police and Military people on the board that must have some sort of an answer. I joke because I got lucky and am happy I can walk. But the fact that me and this now dead man have some twisted permanent connection really messes with my head.

you know your feelings are totally natural, right? you don’t feel less of a man because it’s fucking with your head? any normal human being is going to have a hard time with the aftermath. i’m sure you realise that this kind of shit will change you forever.

good on you for asking others for help.

oh, and vids or it didn’t happen.

SoulMechanic, you’re still alive so you did something right, man. Don’t feel bad about what happened.

Also, while I somehow got the impression you’re a fairly determined and hard-headed person (:wink: ), I think you should be looking for other (temporary) means of paying the bills.

Few things would suck more than to survive being shot relatively unharmed and then f*ck your legs/health up because of underestimated healing time…

Once again: good luck!

welcome back soulmechanic!

I was wondering what the hell happened to you!
I take it your vacation is off huh?
Next time just let me know you felt uncomfortable training with me, you dont have to pull off self inflicted gunshots!


nah seriously, glad to have you back and that you’re okay, could be way worse!

Welcome back, SM. What a crappy way to take a vacation from us. Glad you’re around to tell about it, insofar a possible.

And while your contributions to LLL are always welcome, what we really need is moar posting to the music threads on Sociocide. (Well, not the emo one; no disrespect, but it’s now trickled off into the realm of whiny white boyz with guitars who’ve just now discovered that the world doesn’t owe them anything etc. Less kvetching, more riddim!)

Best of luck with the aftermaths, legal and otherwise.

Well It looks like things have been straightened out. No blood on my hands and I have made as close to a 100% recovery as I will ever have. I have been training and am coming to terms with everything. I still would love to have had some sort of military or LEO input on how they have dealt with shooting another man and how they have coped with having a fellow brother shot. I am having some nightmares time to time and struggle with the fact I found out the man has kids and many family members who morn his loss. I don’t so much feel sorry for him, but for the feelings of loss his loved ones experience. I know it is not my fault but after seeing what my suffering my loved ones went through (and I am alive and kicking with more piss and vinegar flowing through my vains then before ) I cannot help but be compassionate to their hurt.

Thanks brothers, god bless.

Oh and Billy I couldnt agree more and have posted a few things and have a few more gems I will post that I think will stoke you out my friend.

Just read through this thread and I think I should change my shit to “The Second Baddest Mechanic On The Planet” :frowning:

Im down for that, or we could just change my name to BulletHoleMechanic.