Sorry guys, I had to do it.

Sorry guys, I had to do it.

BJJ would win…


[/B]The ingnorant way of saying ingnorant

“your ignant”

“your uneducated.”

You incorrectly spelled ‘Ignorant’

You also didn’t spell “your” correctly.

it’s You’RE.

i disagree…cheers

Nice troll…Almost got me here.

Why did you have to?

thats why :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

the secret…extra N for Ninjer technique

^^^^^ Mmmmm… What was this thread about again…?

If someone had Down’s syndrome and another person had Down’s syndrome which style would win.

Oh, right. Thank you. I’ll type up a long, well informed answer right after I get back from the store. I’m out of Kleenex.

Wado and TKD have some similarities.
(Who would win is all about the individuals fighting, not so much the style when it’s between those two)
Wado really is closer to TSD though.

[quote=SadakoMoose;2201304]Wado and TKD have some similarities.
(Who would win is all about the individuals fighting, not so much the style when it’s between those two)
Wado really is closer to TSD though.[/quote]

Shut the fuck up.

This thread will give you fucking Down’s Syndrome.

Moose what the fuck is wrong with you and where did you find this piece of shit thread?

[quote=SadakoMoose;2201304]Wado and TKD have some similarities.
(Who would win is all about the individuals fighting, not so much the style when it’s between those two)
Wado really is closer to TSD though.[/quote]

Change your username, I’m the only moose on this site.

Except for Das Moose.