Somtimes Kru means poo

Who cares if the man doesn’t have enough time to blogg all day, or if he’s not computer savvy.
Arjarn Ric should have a better website, I agree. Also, he should show what he is talking about with a picture of his own belt, etc. I agree.
What I can’t agree with, is someone from another sport, art, discipline, who knows zip about what they’re talking about, bashing someone they don’t even like. Why bother?
If you don’t like the man, then be a man and leave him alone.

What I can tell you, is that Arjarn Ric Sniffen has done more to legalize full rules Muay Thai in the Bible belt states than anyone else. He is the vice executive president of the usmta. The usmta have a charter from the btbc, wma, wmtc.

So, what you’re saying is that the usmta, wma, wmtc, btbc are all phony Muay Thai groups?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but quit hatin homies. This has become childish.

Read the rules. This is your second non-contributory post.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2589068]Who cares if the man doesn’t have enough time to blogg all day, or if he’s not computer savvy.
[/QUOTE]can’t blog all day =/= disseminate inaccurate or misleading information.

Arjarn Ric should have a better website, I agree. Also, he should show what he is talking about with a picture of his own belt, etc. I agree.
What I can’t agree with, is someone from another sport, art, discipline, who knows zip about what they’re talking about, bashing someone they don’t even like. Why bother?
If you don’t like the man, then be a man and leave him alone.

In the interest of consumers of the martial arts, this site (among other things) investigates fraud in…you guessed it, the martial arts. The highly impressive yet entirely unverifiable professional fight record is beyond explanation. In the stated records, over the course of several posts/bio’s, he actually appeared to have a draw vanish. You don’t have to like or dislike someone to call bullshit, when it affect people’s wallets, and in the case of martial arts, their safety, and that of their loved ones.

What I can tell you, is that Arjarn Ric Sniffen has done more to legalize full rules Muay Thai in the Bible belt states than anyone else. He is the vice executive president of the usmta. The usmta have a charter from the btbc, wma, wmtc.

He may have, but nothing in his actions regarding the growth of MT excuses or negates lies about a record, or achievements that he hasn’t earned.

So, what you’re saying is that the usmta, wma, wmtc, btbc are all phony Muay Thai groups?
No one’s said that, in fact, unless I’m mistaken, I have an amateur fight sanctioned by the usmta. What’s being questioned at this point, is Ric Sniffen’s claims of a professional fight record that, by any measure, is suspiciously absent from any documentation, that my google-fu/yahoo-fu/meta-fu can find.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but quit hatin homies. This has become childish.
Read the stickies for this forum (MABS). Facts are valued here. This section of bullshido is not about opinion, unless facts support them and are provided concurrently.

read the above thread, or I fear you’ll get yourself banned. The angry hand of Mod smites content-free posts in MABS.

173 pro fights, and no verifiable record. Does that not seem strange?

I can not believe people still fall for this kinda guys. Peoples need to reading Bullshido more.

I didn’t in anyway mean to disrespect anyone, and I am not the greatest poster as you know. I will not and cannot comment about BJJ or MMA as I know nothing of those sports, but I will point out the obvious. There is a Pontawee camp in Bangkok, and if anyone has contacts in Bangkok they will find this out. One of it’s fighters just fought ona big.

Now, for all you googling jack offs out there.
Should, someone this day and age post their claims online with the proper recording authorities? I would say yes.
Should, someone who owns a gym that has been in business for some time have a working website? Sure. Depending on the state, I think this is the norm this day and age.

It is proper etiquette to show people you are talking to with some form of evidence, about what you are claiming. I have had it up to hear with Karate and MMA instructors claiming they have won Muay Thai championships to find out it was only a karate tournament.
I understand the concerns of many people, especially parents. I too have my concerns, and sometimes I should do some research before I jump to conclusions, but this time I am correct. I am a member of a number of MT organizations, and I will defend those organizations unless they are wrong or illegal. The only wrong I can see in regards to what started this orginal post was something that has nothing to do with the Muay Thai community. It is between the BJJ community and an individual. That’s the BJJ communities responsibilty to grade their students, just like the judo groups have their problems, but to attack a martial art over one person who is running it, is not appreciated.
I believe the Muay Thai community did their part and removed any BS from their website, but unless you can help the Muay Thai community, to put down a camp or gym based on one person is unfair. How are they supposed to know about every martial art? It’s your job to help them if that is your martial art and you know that the claim from that person is bologne.
There are many people in the Muay Thai organization I am talking about who have everything recorded, some of them are the best in the business, Chuck Liddell to name one, and to attack them or their organization is unfair.

I am usually a happy guy, but this kind of shit make me contemplate ending it all.

The internet, I mean. Not my life.

You’re not alone. as Sandy Holt says: “There is no context in text.”
I’m sure many people will total miss my point, but whatever.
I’m sure IT IS FAKE can read this post to some classic Jazz music and get his kicks off.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2594622]Rant Rant Cry Rant Rant Rant Rant Cry Cry blah blah blah.[/QUOTE]Do whatever you want. Until you learn how to read and follow rules your poo filled posts of illiteracy will be moved to this thread.

Oh and lol@readingcomprehension.

Battlefields was talking about your rant and you gave him a thumbs up.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2594622]Now, for all you googling jack offs out there. [/QUOTE]
this is what I got


OK, so whoever posted the WKF thread is the ultimate winner.
There are two WKF (World Kickboxing Federation).
The one with President Talal Takkoush in London and my former MT instructor Neil Holden as MT champion is the legit one.
i.e. the other one is the rip off WKF. You figure out my crazy British language, do your own research and give bobbyninja a high five.
Go on. I know IT IS FAKE is laughing his @$$ off right now.
You win this time, but remeber to be nice to the MT community or you will get the paddle.

PS this is the last BS discussion. Follow my thread on dynamic stretches versus static stretches in Muay Thai.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2594644]do your own research and give bobbyninja a high five.
Go on. I know IT IS FAKE is laughing his @$$ off right now.
You win this time, but remeber to be nice to the MT community or you will get the paddle.[/QUOTE]
I get a high five? yessss. What did we win? Who’s bashing MT (you mean Thai boxing right?) on here? That’s not something I’ve seen much of (usually by sadtroll chunners).

Anyway, this is in the trollshido section of the site now, so we all lose.

I was just busting your bulls about the MT bashing. I’m sure you have a love for MT and I respect that, and probably would have known what I am about to talk about if it wasn’t for one of your posts.

Now, on a serious note.
The person you have in question is part of an illegal activity, either knowingly or not.
No one can STEAL both the name and logo of another organization/ legal entity.
Whoever the second WKF are, they might be facing legal charges, so I have to do the right thing and give bobyclumsyninja credit, otherwise this might have gone un-noticed for some time and fighters, promoters, etc, might have gotten in alot of trouble for something they were un-aware of.
I do feel that promoters and fighters need to be warned before entering in an event with a sanctioning body that is fraudulant, so I’ll be watching to see what bobyclumsyninja does with this new information.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2594644]OK, so whoever posted the WKF thread is the ultimate winner.
There are two WKF (World Kickboxing Federation).
The one with President Talal Takkoush in London and my former MT instructor Neil Holden as MT champion is the legit one.
i.e. the other one is the rip off WKF. You figure out my crazy British language, do your own research and give bobbyninja a high five.
Go on. I know IT IS FAKE is laughing his @$$ off right now.
You win this time, but remeber to be nice to the MT community or you will get the paddle.[/QUOTE]
Over the internet by some random douche-bag? You are welcome to try and do something dumbass. Hahahaa I always enjoy the whiny dipshits that get angry because their instructor gets called out. notice 1st grade reader, the MT community was never insulted. One shitty teacher or a few frauds do not represent the entire Muay Thai community. Oh and neither do you speak for the entire community. Only an idiot, yes you, thinks people talking about a few bad instructors insults the entire community.

You’ve taken to many kicks to the head. Naw, you are just stupid.

[QUOTE=Kru_Kawalski;2594645]PS this is the last BS discussion. Follow my thread on dynamic stretches versus static stretches in Muay Thai.[/QUOTE]

I did, it was short, and largely a piece of crap with the exception of what people other than yourself contributed.

But as Trip once said,

“just cuz you pour syrup on shit, that don’t make it pancakes”.
So yeah…still a big pile of poo…which of course the thread title above implied.

Thanks Bullshido!

[QUOTE=VitaminMan;2593759]I can not believe people still fall for this kinda guys. Peoples need to reading Bullshido more.[/QUOTE]

You need to reading this book more:

Yeh,yeh,yeh. I’ve heard all the limey jokes for a couple of years now. What is this? A college class? I didn’t know I was getting graded on how much I can promote gamers, musicians, and bloggers.
And when did I ever say that Ric Sniffen was my instructor? If your going off bio’s and training records, you will find that I have trained with several instructors, some being the best, and some being ok, depending on how the gamers that read this feel.
Obviously, I am a member of the USMTA and SakSit Haawk Pontawee camp, but I never said that the USMTA are my instructors. In fact, I believe I came out of the B.T.B.C. which helped start the USMTA, and the only reason why I’m not still with the B.T.B.C. is because I’m not in their jursdiction.

@ IT IS FAKE, you’re right. I don’t speak on behalf of the Muay Thai community, and to quite honest I don’t really think there is a head of any martial art. In most states anyone can register a group and then make themselves a black belt. As I have said before, go down to their gym and check them out. I know of many martial arts gyms where the instructors don’t have any certification or black belts, they are not breaking any laws within their state and they seem to do quite well.
The problem I see now, is with sanctioning bodies that are in question.
If you are the head of the BJJ community, then worry about that, but don’t expect me to do anything, because I don’t know what the requirements for BJJ Black Belt are.

Weird did anyone ask you to do shit? Nope. You came here shitting up various threads like you were the head police man of the Muay Thai community. Then when we decided to let you shit the bed you shit the floor as well.

Keep ranting.

I realize this is trollshido, but…

I’m curious, Arjan is a pretty high title for any instructor, meaning roughly “professor.”
When and by whom was this rank awarded?

It’s a pretty significant title, after all.