I can’t say what, or when, or how, but something very epic is coming to Bullshido in a scarce few hours.
You have been warned.
I can’t say what, or when, or how, but something very epic is coming to Bullshido in a scarce few hours.
You have been warned.
Lo I am here!
Boyd gets laid finally ???
This better not be Britney SPears pr0n.
Boyd has already sorta been laid a couple times this year. Please pay more attention when the epic winged creature descends from the Heavens.
It’s not another apocalypse is it? We’ve had like three of them already this year.
Drama queen.
It’s going to be revealed that Aesopian is really Ashida Kim?
I love getting “sort of laid”
then you’re like “that was nice, leave my sight”
Poetry will be forthcoming?
OMG, Rudy Abel is actually going to apologize to all of BS for everything he’s even said in this or any other forum about BS being the lowest denominator of martial culture?!
Or Burger King is using BS to debut it’s new mega-ultra-spamwichburgeromeletpoutineshake, clocking in at 5000 calories, 95 grams of fat, and weighing over 5 1/2 pounds?!
The cows finally come home?
I believe BJJihad will begin major operations sometime today.
“Cow” is West Point slang for a Cadet in his Junior year. In the first years of the USMA, Cadets were not allowed to return home until they achieved Junior Status, hence the saying.
So the cows are already home.
Does it involve Chuck Norris?
or even better, Boyd’s Isshin Ryu chronicles
Vince McMahon has bought the UFC!!!
Do or do not!!
There is no sorta